Chapter 3

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"Oh! Come on! It'll be fun!"

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"Oh! Come on! It'll be fun!"

"No! We can get injured, Noa"

"We won't! Now come on!"

"It's already late. Our parents will be worried"

"Yes but, ...look how beautiful the sun is. It won't hurt if we are fifteen minutes late Mason"

"Ughhhh... Fine!"

I was pulled out of my thoughts when a shoulder was slammed into mine, Hard.

"Sorry!" I apologized even though it wasn't my fault  

The guy twisted his face in annoyance, even though it was His fault. Yeah, you guessed it I am sort of a weirdo around here, You know with all the unkept clothes, the caps on my head, and skateboarding and all. High school is a weird place, Sometimes these things make you cool, Sometimes not, especially for a girl. You have to always look pretty and polite and confident,  and whatnot, Your hair should be perfect, Girls should not have a bad day, Otherwise, boys won't like you or you are just 'friend material', Honestly I have lost my hopes in that area I just do what I like and don't care others think.

I make may towards English Literature class. This is one of my favorite classes, I like hearing stories -not reading. The stories always make things interesting, That's the reason I hate math there is no story to make!

"Hello, class! Hope you had a nice summer" Miss Layla enters the class "And I hope You didn't forget to read the books you were told to. ...No answer? okay... I am distributing the syllabus, Please take a look" 

The door is slammed open, And enters none other than Mason Hendricks, Out of breath if I might add.

"You are late Mr. Hendricks"

"Sorry, Ma'am! Won't happen again" He says while looking around for vacant seats.

And look at that! the only seat available in the whole class is the seat beside mine, Today I am all out of luck. I sigh internally. 

Mason - Having no other option - sits beside me. We both sat awkwardly throughout the class, barely paying attention to Miss Layla. Or maybe it was just me because Mason was sitting as if nothing mattered to him, I don't what is it about him that always made me flutter around. We met when we were five all of us but when Mason was not around I was always upset and when he was around we both used to be in our damn world. Doesn't matter who was around us.

".....You are appointed a study buddy and an assignment partner, You guys are going to be together the whole semester, So no changes, Girls you get to pick your partner and the guys have to roll with it." The girls started cheering and shouting the name." Girls !! you have to pick a chit with the name on it." Miss Layla placed a jar full of folded chits on it as the whole class groaned.

One by one the girls went to pick their buddies. As my turn came nearer, I looked around for a familiar face but didn't get one. this was the worst it could get, an assignment with a stranger. 

"Noa, It's your pick." Miss Layla pointed towards the jar. 

As I said 'it can't get worse than that' right? So when I opened my chit and saw the name it got worse.

My study buddy and assignment partner is Mason Hendricks 



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