Chapter 12

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"You have a home game next week, yes?"

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"You have a home game next week, yes?"

"Yup, the Eagles vs. Wildcats," he says, not looking but drawing an imaginary pattern on the floor.

We're sitting in the library with all our assigned work done, just talking about everything. Mr. Logan hasn't come and checked on us yet. It just happened; we thought of taking a breather after keeping the books and sat and started talking. Mason was always quite mature for his age and smart, but I never knew how much. We talked about the concept of sunrays and reflection in science, which I knew nothing about, but Mason made me understand in minutes that the topic is interesting now.

"Will you be there at the game?" He looks up at me. Yeah, we started making eye contact, and it's hard to look at his intense brown eyes and feel nothing.

"Maybe. I might." I go, breaking the eye contact.

"You weren't there the last game." I look up at him in surprise.

"You noticed?"

"Yup." His eyes wander on my face as if memorizing them. "Koty wants to see this game. He says his popularity goes up seeing his brother in the hockey team of the school." He smiles; he always gains this shine when talking about his brother, always, even when we were little.

"Oh, Koty! How is he? I haven't seen him in a long-ass time."

"He is good, in 5th grade now, very smart for his age." We both chuckle at that. "I just wish I could meet him more often."

Yeah, I know. In fact, everyone knows Mason's parents' divorce was brutal. It's like an episode on Amber Heard and Johnny Depp's case but more brutal. The boys were at a big loss, though. Koty and Mason both got separated due to their custody battle. I'm surprised they are still close but not surprised at all.

"We do meet but less, and I don't know why I'm burdening you with all this." He sighs and starts to get up, but I hold his hand and prevent him from getting up. He looks down at our intertwined hands, startled.

"It's okay, I don't mind," I whisper. "It's better to tell a friend than waste money on therapy." Repeating my earlier statement, we both laugh at my effort to lighten up the mood. "but on a serious note, it is okay." I look at his face, which is still looking at our intertwined hands, and now creasing it.

"Thank you." He looks up, staring at my eye contact, and then suddenly I see him looking at my lips. And now I'm looking at not-too-full but not-too-thin, pinkish lips. I really wanna kiss, huh? Weird.

Just as we were starting to lean over each other, we heard a creaking noise of the door opening, and we both quickly removed our hands from each other's grip as if we were on fire and looked up panicky towards the door, seeing Mr. Logan coming in.

"Are you not done yet?" Mr. Logan asks.

"We are done—"

"Done, sir—" we both say together and look at each other in amusement.

"Well, then get out!" On Mr. Logan's shout, both of us pack our things and get out of the class as fast as we can.

"Well, that was fun," Mason starts saying and laughing at the same time. I never have seen him laugh this freely in years, and it sort of feels nice.

Mason looks at me staring at him. "What?"

"Nothing." I start walking and look back, saying, "I hope to see you at your game."

"I'm hoping for that." And then I see his big, beautiful smile.



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