Chapter 7

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"Noa, I have to go; I have practice

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"Noa, I have to go; I have practice."

"Just a few more minutes, Mason."

"I can't be late; otherwise coach will yell at me."

"You always have something. We rarely hang out now."

"Yes, because I have things to do!"

"You know what? Just go and don't bother coming back!"

"Fine! It's better that way! There is too much work to be your friend anyway!"

This is so Noa-running away from things when she can't handle them, ignoring situations she can't deal with. Always being the most stubborn person, even when she is wrong, but never able to admit it! She has the ability to make me a hot-headed person. I am someone who is usually calm and composed, but she makes me so mad! This is the reason I stay away from her; she brings out my emotions like a damn volcano.

I thought today would be good. I was supposed to go to Dad's today, but due to his flight delay, I'm stuck at Mom's. However, there is a silver lining-I get to spend time with Koty.

I'm so furious; I don't even register me slamming the front door into the kitchen and seeing Mom sitting at the dining table having wine.

It's three in the afternoon!

"You do know if the door breaks due to your slamming, I have to pay for it, not your father."

Startled by her, I look up and mumble a sorry.

"The least you can do is say sorry nicely, Mase." She gets up and goes to her room as usual.

I hate that nickname, but that's my mom. She doesn't care about what Koty and I do as long as we don't cost her money. I didn't get her when she fought for custody, but then I understood that she gets a whole lot of child support from Dad for me and my brother. Dad is a person who believes in tough love, but he cares for us, so he does what's best for us. Mom normally doesn't care about us. We make our own food and never ask where she has been. I hate that for Koty. I was thirteen when they got divorced, and I have heard their screaming fights before that, but Koty was a baby who had yet to grasp these things. I was there to cover his ears when they fought. He is a nine-year-old boy who makes his dinner. He never tells me this, but I know. He often says he's going to be a chef and is practicing

Just as I was about to go to my room, I hear the jingling of keys and the small footsteps of Koty as he enters the kitchen.

"Hey, Koty, how was school?" I grab a glass of water for him.

"The usual, but do you know who I saw today!?" I see his eyes light up like Christmas morning.


"Silas!" He spreads his hands in exaggeration. Koty is very fond of Silas, more like he admires him for his carefree childishness. If Koty wants to have some fun, he goes to Silas. Yes, I don't hang out with these guys as often as I used to, but they love spending time with my brother, especially Silas. He says that he always wanted a little brother but was punished with a sister, so he's making it up with Koty.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah! And and and he took me to this cool place where we had milkshakes with cool straws, and the milkshake was so yummy that I finished the whole thing." One of the things I love about Koty is that he makes me smile with his innocent stories, though I have to talk to Silas about his sugar consumption.

"Will you take me to that place, Mason?" He gives me his wide brown-eyed look, which I can never say no to, and I know what place he is talking about-Rene's.

"Yes, I will." I sigh. "Yay!!!" Koty runs happily to his room.

As I calm down from Mom and Noa's issues, I decide to be the bigger person and text her.

Me: Hey, I'm sorry about today. Let's just meet up and study like we are alone, okay?


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