Chapter 10

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My dad is amazing

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My dad is amazing. He's like a Superman. He works around 36 hours a week and comes back every weekend. He takes an almost 3-hour flight from New York to Chicago and spends the weekend with us without complaining about any weird activity my mom wants to do. It's like he wants to spend as much time with us as he can. He's like my hero. If I were in his shoes, I would be exhausted and miserable to be around.

That being said, he is perfect but not all the time. I have seen Mom and Dad brutally fight about his job. It wasn't always like this. When I was 11, he lost his job, and things were bad at home. We had to live off my mom's small business money, and Dad hated it. This created huge issues between my parents. Then he got a job in New York, which he wanted to take, and mom didn't want to. They both fought so violently about it because Dad had already agreed to the job. The next thing we knew, Dad took us to New York without telling us.

The whole month, we didn't see or hear from Dad at all. Mom thought he left us and was never coming back. She was miserable but never let me know that we had issues or any problems. After a month, Dad came back and apologized for the way he left things. They had a big discussion that weekend, and I was sent to a friend's house for the weekend. Honestly, I thought they were getting a divorce.

But then I started seeing Dad every weekend, and my parents explained to me how his job works. The thing is, I never got to know how they made up or their arrangement. But I see them, and all I see is love, affection, and respect between them towards each other. Yes, they have had their ups and downs, but who hasn't? 

In the end, Mom was able to forgive him for what he did, and I can never see myself doing that. Maybe it's because of the love they share, but it's not in me to let my self-esteem go low. That is the reason I was being difficult with Mason, but I had to, and once I let it go, things were okay—they were smooth. I mean, we finished a complicated and lengthy assignment within an hour, and we were able to have civil and nice conversations without any tension between us.

That day, I got to know that we shouldn't hold grudges for long; it affects not just them. The thing is, it's okay to have a conversation with him that one day, but it's going to be difficult to talk to him that way every week of the semester.

That week after the session, we didn't talk much, but HI's and bye's were exchanged, and smiles were made to each other. It was weird; even my friends noticed it. Kaiden, who doesn't care what others do, asked, "Are you guys good now, huh?" So weird.

We got Friday detention due to his outburst, and Friday detentions are intense. Mr. Logan makes us do the school chores and doesn't let us go home until the chores are done. I'm already seated in the library where we're called at the end of the school, and I see Mason entering the library and sitting beside me, muttering hi. I can smell his cologne. Ugh, why does he have to be so perfect in every area?

"Let's not waste our time in introductions and speeches. You each are given the chores in front of your names on this list. Take a look and get to work. I will be checking you all in an hour."

"As long as I don't get restroom duty, I think I don't mind anything," Mason comments. Yeah, we do that now, comment like we are friends. Yesterday in the English lit class, Mason used to turn towards me every 5 minutes to comment on things, and they were funny. Damn him and his sense of humor.

As I get to see the list and notice library duty in front of my name, I feel Mason lean in to look at his duty. I can also feel his breath on my neck—goosebumps!!

"Hey, we both got library duty. Fun!"

Yeay, fun!


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