Chapter 21

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I pick up a flowy party dress and slide it out of the closet

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I pick up a flowy party dress and slide it out of the closet. "You are wearing this."

An unmistakably bored voice responds with a "no," but I ignore it.

I pick up one more party dress. "And I'm wearing this."

Again, there's a "no."

"And we're going to the party," I turn towards her.

"No," she retorts.

"Oh, come on, Ivy, it'll be fun. Sometimes it's better to get out of your bookish world into the real world," I roll my eyes at her.

She flips a page and says, "No."

Frustrated by her answers, I go to her bed, grab her legs, and pull. She squeals, "Noa!"

"You are coming with me, bitch. You don't have a choice!"

"Ugh! I don't even know anybody there."

"You know me, and that's enough. And it's not like we're going to a stranger's house; it's Kaiden's place."

"Still a stranger's house for me," she says, but my look shuts her up.

"Fine! But I'm not wearing that!"


I got a text from Mason asking to meet him there, which was a little worrying because he never texts me like that. Actually, he never texts me, period. I'm always the one initiating the text to meet, and his replies are always one-worded or monotoned, like 'okay,' 'cool,' 'yeah,' 'see you there.'

We get to the party and see almost the whole school is there. Jason Derulo's "Swalla" is playing, and some kids are dancing to it, clearly making out. We head to the kitchen where the hockey players are making toast on their win.

"Beau! Hi!" I spot Beau first.

He looks towards me hearing my voice and comes to hug me. "The twin sister returns?" he says, looking me up and down.

"Shut up," I playfully hit his shoulder and turn towards Ivy. "Have you met Ivy?"

"No, I haven't. Hi," he raises his hand to shake hers.


"I'm Beau. You have friends other than us, and you didn't tell us?" Beau dramatically puts his hands on his chest.

I roll my eyes at his antics. "Have you seen Mason?"

"Yeah, he must be somewhere upstairs," he furrows his brows in confusion.

"Oh." I look at Ivy and then back at Beau. "Can you take Ivy for a while? I have to check on something."

"Nonono, Noa! You are not leaving me," Ivy clings to my hand.

"Just a few minutes. I'll be back before you know it, please," I give her my puppy eyes.

She relents, and I go upstairs to find Mason in one of the rooms.

"Hey, what are you doing here alone?" I get closer to him.

He startles hearing my voice, then he pulls towards me and kisses me. Though he never initiates talking to me, but when we are together, he is always the one to close the gap and kiss me. He kisses me like there is no worry in the world, he kisses me    so passionately and hungrily and  I melt, but today there is some kind of desperation in the kiss, so I break it.

"Hi," I whisper, and get a "hey" back.

"Congratulations on the win, champ," he smiles softly at me.


"What is it?" He starts to look away, but I grab his face to make him look at me. "Tell me."

He sighs, like he knows I'm not going to back down. "After the game, a guy named Flynn met me. He was an assistant manager for the Chicago Blackhawks. He wanted to talk to me about my plan to join them," he says, all sad and desperate.

"But isn't that a good thing?" I ask.

Mason shakes his head sadly. "No, it isn't, because I want to be a part of the Blackhawks, but Dad thinks that decision is unethical and I should finish college first."

"Oh, I guess I get that too," a crease forms in the middle of his brows. "How do you get that? Because I don't!" He takes a step back from me.

"Well, parents have a default setting of worrying about the backup plan, and maybe... maybe he thinks that if something happens, like an injury or something, you have other things you can do, right? I mean, it's a 5% chance, right?"

Mason tilts his head, thinking, and replies with a small "Right."

"I never thought of it that way," I take a step towards him and raise my hand to his shoulders. "You should talk to your dad about it instead of jumping to conclusions."

"Hmm," he nods and looks up. "Maybe I should, but first..." then he kisses' me and ....

Shit, I am probably gonna break 'the back in a few minutes' promise to Ivy.


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