˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter 1

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Walking down the sidewalk of Tokyo while Mizuki's boyfriend's arm; Taiyou wrapped around her waist, pulling her close to his torso. She couldn't help but smile as her lips wrapped around her straw to drink some of her boba she got not that long ago. Taiyou's eyes moved down to her lips - thinking how they would look like wrapped around his length, her eyes half lidded, and her saliva dripping down her chin. Taiyou was so lost in thought, he couldn't even hear the angelic voice chant his name.

"Taiyou. Taiyouuu. Taiyou!" Mizuki chants over and over - getting more annoyed that he wasn't answering. When she sees his emerald eyes pierced through her dark hazel eyes, she couldn't help but feel a bit aroused at how intense he was staring at her. Like something was hiding behind them. She gave a quick smile before pointing to a clothing shop nearby.

"Can we go in there? Pleasee~" Mizuki sang as her word laced with plead - putting her hands together, practically begging. Taiyou smiled "Of course, darlin'. Anything for you~" He says before leaning down and planting a kiss on her forehead. Mizuki squeal of excitement before rushing towards the door while Taiyou chuckles to himself.

Mizuki enters to see such beautiful sight of different types and styles of clothing. She bit her lower lip to contain all her excitement as a worker came up to her and smiled "Welcome to Sakura Style Boutique! If any assistant is needed, don't hesitate to ask" the young lady smile as she bowed before walking away. Taiyou came up behind her - getting down to her height level and whispered in her ear. "You can get anything you want my dear~" He says softly, having his voice lace with a certain tone to make her whole body shiver.

She squeal before rushing all around the store. Look at dresses, jeans, shoes, basically everything in the store. She found a few things that caught her eye - things like: a few graphic t-shirts, ripped jeans, and a lovely red dress. Both Taiyou and her waited in line to check out. Once they reached to the counter, the young man scan the items and gave a small smile before telling us the price "That'll be 5,550 yen." He says with a sweet tone.

Taiyou took out his credit card and placed it against the card reader as it beeps with a friendly tune. All of Mizuki's clothes were placed in a beautiful bag as the man wave goodbye - with a small 'come again'. Once they both left, both of them headed in the direction of Taiyou's house.

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Taiyou unlocks his door as Mizuki rushes inside - running straight to their room to put her new clothes in the closet. Taiyou followed her while his eyes were glued to her hips - how they sway left and right making a feeling bubble into his stomach as he lick his lips. He walks into their room, seeing you stuff you new clothes in the modern closet. Taiyou snuck up behind - making a small gasp to leave her lips as his arms snaked around her waist pulling her close his chest while his lips trailed down the back of her neck.

"Taiyou..~" She whined softly as her breath hitched as she felt something hard against her back. "Mizuki..~ I need you so bad darlin'.." He groaned as his lips were now attacking the side of her neck as his right hand slipped into her shirt - gripping her bare waist as his left hand was just under her breast. Just before anything else could get more intense Mizuki's phone rang in her pocket, quickly getting out of Yaiyou's grip as she picked up the call.

"Sensei, wassup?" Mizuki's voice was heard faintly as Taiyou stared at her from his spot he was in before. Who hell dares disturb their time. His hands were in his pockets as he clenched them into fists. One he saw Mizuki turn around and made her way towards him, his aroused feelings tingling around his lower region bring a smirk to curl up on his lips. Suddenly, his smirks drops when he sees you take out your uniform for Jujustu high. She never really explained to him what it was about - so he couldn't help but worried that she was hooking up with someone behind his back.

"Miz..~ Do you have to go..~" Yaiyou whines as his eyes
make contact with hers. "Yes, Yai." Mizuki say rather annoyance in her voice but he didn't bother to asked why she was so annoyed or upset. Mizuki rushes to the bathroom to change - after a few minutes she was out. Wearing a turtleneck jacket with a pin by her shoulder. She kept her dark brown hair in a small bun as a necklace I never seen before laid around her neck and a knife pouch laid around her thigh.

"I'll try to be back before midnight, dear." She says softly before leaving a kiss on Taiyou's lips - His eyes followed her slim like body as it leaves the room. A pout grows on his lips - deciding to take a nap to past time.
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Once Mizuki arrives to the school grounds. All she could see and hear was screams coming from Itadori as he was tackled to the ground by Nobara. Mizuki chuckled at the sight before making her presence known. "Hey guys!" Mizuki shouts as everyone stops what they were doing. Itadori's face softens as relief shown all over his face while Nobara gets off of him and rushes to Mizuki's side. "Zuki~!" She cried as she brings Mizuki into a tight embrace.

Mizuki laughs as she accepts the embrace of her dearest friend. "These two are driving me crazy! Well, of course, not Megumi." Nobara says pointing over to the two boys - Megumi with a plain expression while Itadori's face looked like he's just got rejected. Mizuki laughs as Nobara snakes her arm around her friend's waist as they walked together towards the boys.

"Now if y'all excuse us - we will be in my room chatting and gossiping, maybe a bit of some online shopping if needed." Nobara says with confidence as Mizuki bits her lower lips - holding in a laugh. Megumi gave a confused looked while Itadori shouts 'unfair' as we giggle towards Nobara's room.

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"Today! I have a surprise for you all!" Gojo shouts as Nobara and Itadori get excited about the surprise while Mizuki and Megumi eyed each other - knowing sensei's little trick. "Let's go!" He shouts as the immatures - Itadori and Nobara rush out first while the matures - Mizuki and Megumi walked out last. Hopefully the 'surprise' wouldn't be hard to exorcise.


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