˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter 22 ⁽ᵉˣᵗʳᵃ⁾

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Day at the park

"Mama! Mama!" Kaito yells from the hallways - making his way to his mother. He work a car shirt with beige cargo pants. Mizuki shifts her gaze from her phone to her son as a lovely smile appears on her face.

"What is it, my star?" She asked, placing the phone down - giving her full attention to her child who was beaming with excitement and energy.

"Can we go to the park! Some of my friends at school said they were going today! At... 3-3:30!" Kaito stuttered at the end before returning his bright smile, Mizuki chuckled at his little stutter as she gets up from the cough.

"Go wake up your father as I asked Yua if she wants to go as well." The child rushed towards his parent's room as he screams at the top of his lungs - causing Gojo to scream as well.

Mizuki lets out a laugh before rushing to the kids' room, avoid to be scolded by her husband. Once she was a safe distance, she knocked on the sticker covered door which caught the attention of her daughter.

Her gaze returned to the colored card she had in her small hand as she tried to read it.

"Y-Yes Mama?" Yua says shyly as she returns her gaze to her mother, who gaze at her proudly.

"You're doing so good! It looks like you're getting better as well!" Yua couldn't help but give a big smile - she been doing it recently which made Mizuki happy.

"Oh! Would you like to go to the park? Kai wants to go." Mizuki asked softly as she watched the young girl look for another card. Once she found it, she read off it.

"I wou-would love to go!" Yua says, carefully she slides off her bed and walks to her drawer - taking out the clothes she would like to wear. But of course, Mizuki helped her.

The young girl wore a tie die shirt with overalls over it. Mizuki helped put on her shoes before walking out of the room. Yua held her mother's pinky as they walked towards the living room, as loud squeals came from there. Once the two came into the boys vision, they started to walk towards the door. The park wasn't far from their house, so they walks.

After walking a good 7 minutes, the family arrived at the park. Kaito gleamed as Yua stares nervously. The young boy immediately rushed to the playground equipment as Yua walked with her parents. Mizuki ran her fingers through her curly hair - trying to comfort her. When they were close enough, Yua rushed to her older brother side as they played with one another.

Gojo and Mizuki sat on a bench as they watch their kids - trying not to lose sight of them. Mizuki's head laid on Gojo's shoulder as he broke the silence.

"Why did you have Kaito come into our room and scream at the top of his lungs?" He asked, the woman could help but let out a chuckle at the memory that happened not that long ago.

"I told him to watch you up! I didn't know he'll scream!" Mizuki says between laughter as Gojo glared at her through his glasses covered eyes.

"You did know."

"Yep! I did!"

Mizuki laughed as Gojo pouts, soon Kaito yells for his mother, asking her if she could help him with the monkey bars. Mizuki gets up from the bench before making her way to her son who waited patiently for her. Gojo's eyes gaze around him to look for his daughter - even though he knew where she was due to his six eyes.

"Mama! Can you help me?" Kaito asked as he get's up onto the platform to reach the monkey bars. Mizuki hummed before grabbing the boy by the waist and lifting him up.

Kaito gripped the metal bar as he reached for the other one. Mizuki helped him all the way to the other end of the obstacle then settled him onto the wood chips, he immediately ran towards the slides he's been wanting to go on. A little smile forms on Mizuki's lips.

"Hello there, hottie~" Mizuki jumps at the sound of the low voice, her gaze shifted to the noise to see a man with a beard. She could smell alcohol from his breath which made Mizuki's stomach churn.

"Um.. I have a husband." Mizuki declared as she tried to walk away but the man grabs her wrist. The touch sent shivers down her spine as she met her gaze with a lustful one.

"He doesn't have to know~"

"Get the fuck off me.." Mizuki barked as she yanked her wrist out of the man's grip - the man lets out an annoyed huff before gripping the woman's hair.

A painful whine left her lips as the grip on her hair tightens.

"Why do you have be such a-"

"Such a what?" Gojo says who appears right next to the man - who froze in shock. "Let's my wife go. Now." He demanded as he pulls down his glasses - showing his sapphire eyes.

The man immediately looses his grip, apologizing before running off like a scared rabbit. A scoff left Gojo lips as his fingers pushed up his glasses. His arm wrapped around Mizuki's waist, pulling her close to his side.

"Men are weak.."

"You're calling yourself weak then-"

"Nah, I'm the strongest."

Gojo says as he raises his head high. A little laugh left Mizuki's lips. They made their way to Yua and Kaito who were no playing in the sandbox, Yua was laughing as Kaito pours a bit of sand on himself.

"Kaito! Don't do that, you'll get messy!" Mizuki yells as she runs towards the boy, Kaito lets out a little giggle before throwing a bit of sand at his mother.

A gasp left her lips before she picks up a bit of sand and sprinkles it all over the boy. The boy laughs as he runs away from his mother who sprinkles a little sand on him. Yua quickly runs towards her father - not wanting to get dirty. Her tiny arms wrapped around his leg as she hugged them.

"Mama and K-Kaito are cra-crazy.." Yua murmured as her baby blue eyes look up into her father's covered ones.

"Yeah they are, but they're the good crazy.." Gojo responded with a smile, as he received one cheeky smile from the young girl.

They keep a distance from the sand box as the two played, while they watched. Yua couldn't help but chuckle at some points, Gojo had his phone out and was recording the whole thing.

This one is going into the memory album.


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