˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter 18 - ☆

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Mizuki and Gojo made it back to Jujutsu High, the sun completely gone as the moonlight reflected off of the ground. They made their way over to Gojo's room, their footsteps echoed as they entered the building. A small giggled left Mizuki's lips as they entered the room. As the door close, Gojo smashed his lips against hers.

A hum left Mizuki's lips as she pressed her lips against his harder, Gojo's hands went to her jacket - sliding it off. The coat fell to the floor. Mizuki's body tensed up as his cold hands slid up her shirt, his hand gripping her chest - making a muffled moan to leave her lips.

Gojo broke off the kiss as his lips trailed down her neck, his hand still groping her breast, whimpers left the woman's lips as his teeth sunk into her neck. Her hands went to unbutton his shirt, once his chest was bare, her fingers roamed his torso. Feeling every inch and curve.

A husky chuckle left the man's lips as his gaze shifted towards the woman's. Her eyes were clouded with lust as her breathing echoed in his ears, he could feel a smirk slowly crept up on his face. His hands took off her shirt and tossing it off somewhere in the room, his arms then picked her up and tossed her onto the bed. He does the same with his shirt before crawling up onto the bed, on top of her.

Gojo's knee rested in between Mizuki's legs. Her chest was covered by her bra as her skirt covered her lower body. His hands went to her back and unclipped her bra, before he could take it off his sapphire eyes bored into her hazel ones.

"May I?" He asked with a soft smile as her head nods.

"Use your words." The sorcerer demanded as the woman's body trembled. Her lips opened slightly as her angelic voice filled the silent room.

"Yes, please.." Mizuki huffs as her teeth sunk into her lower lip, containing her moans. Gojo's lips wrapped around her nub as he tossed the bra somewhere else. His hand went to the other breast as his fingers played with the nub.

Mizuki's body trembles as sweet sounds left her mouth. Her fingers played with Gojo's hair - tugging on it. His mouth was removed from her breast with a pop before giving attention to the other one. His free hand went down to her skirt as he torn it off - leaving her in her panties. His fingers pushed the cloth aside as two fingers entered her. A whiny moan left her lips as her thighs clenched together. Gojo's fingers dug into her thighs as he spread them apart. His head lowered as his tongue flicked her clit.

"S-Shit.. Satoru~" Mizuki moans as her head was thrown back, her heart pounds against her rib cage as her mind became hazy. All she could feel was pure ecstasy.

Gojo's pace began to speed up, causing Mizuki's hips to jerk upward slightly. The sweet noises echoed through his ears as his eyes stayed on her face. The way her lips trembled and her eyes squeezed shut. The sound of her wetness squelched fills the room. Gojo fingers curled up which made a loud moan to escape Mizuki's lips.

A smirk grows on his face as his fingers were removed from her lower area. Gojo placed the two fingers in front of Mizuki, his free hand undoing his belt.

"Lick them clean, love~" He coaxed with a grin on his lips. Her eyes gazed at his glossy fingers before taking them in her mouth.

Her tongue twisted around his fingers - tasting herself. A low whine left her lips as her gaze shifted to his. His eyes filled with lust and dominance, soon his lips were pulled out of her mouth as he dried them. Gojo's pants were on the floor as his belt was in his hand. He wrapped the girdle around Mizuki's wrists then tied it up to the backboard of the bed.

Gojo thump went to the hem of his boxers as he pulled them off, his left hand down the same thing to Mizuki's panties. He aligned his length to her entrance, his gaze met hers. Gojo leans down and give a little peck on Mizuki's lips.

"I love you~" He says before thrusting into her. A gasp left her mouth. Her legs wrapped around his waist - pulling him close.

"I-I love you too~" Mizuki moans out as the sound of skin against skin filled the room.

Gojo grunts as he thrusts in and out of her. Sweat began to cover his forehead as his breath became heavy and husky. Moans and whimpers left Mizuki's lips - her eyes were closed shut, taking in all the pleasure she was given. Soon, the thrust began to speed up.

"You're doing great, love~" Gojo praises. He could see her nails claw the leather of his belt, his eyes roam her body as her chest bounces with each thrust he made.

He leans down as his lips attacks her neck - leaving hickeys. Moans filled the room as his lips trailed down to her shoulder, sinking her teeth into her skin. Gojo's thrusts became sloppy as Mizuki's walls clenched around his length.

"Fuck, Satoru.. I'm gonna-"

"I know, darling. I'm close too.."

His thrust sped up, cause whimpers to leave his lips once in a good while. They both could feel their climax about to reach as they both exchanged looks, pure lust filled their eyes. Gojo pressed his lips against her as he releases inside of her. Mizuki moans against his lips as his tongue enter her mouth. His tongue twisted with hers. The sloppy kiss was broken off - a string of saliva connected their lower lips.

Gojo undid the belt from Mizuki's wrist as he tossed it off to the side. He then laid neck to the woman who breathed heavy. His arms wrapped around her, pulling her to his chest as he kissed her temples.

"I love you, Mizuki~"

"I love you too, Satoru.."

The room filled with silence as Mizuki closed her eyes. Her head laid against Gojo's chest which rose up and down. Soon, snores filled the room as the two cuddled up together in a warm embrace.


WOW... I feel like i did a bad job 😭
They're def having kids - ILL MAKE IT HAPPEN
(I'm the author anyways😂)
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