˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter 4 - ☆

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Mizuki's legs wobbled as she made her way back to Jujutsu high. Her face was slightly flushed, as for her hair - it looked like a mess. Not to mention, she had hickeys on her collarbone and bite marks on her shoulders.

She couldn't help but think back at her high school. The way Taiyou handled her was something. Her face burned when she thought back to that moment. If she had to be honest with herself. It didn't feel the same. It didn't feel like the old times. It felt.. different.

She didn't put much thought of it as she opened the door that lead to the dorms. Her legs continued to wobble - trying their best to support her weight until she got to her room.

Once she reached her room, her hand landed on the door nob - twisting it as the door flicked open. She entered - closing the door shut. She takes a deep breath before moving to her bed.

"So... How was your little date?"

The voice behind made Mizuki's movements came to a halt - making her stand in the middle of the room. Her heart pounds against her rib cage as her breathing stopped - as if she forgot how to breathe.



Mizuki turns around to see the white haired male standing in front of her - looking down at her like she was his prey. Her body trembled as she lets out a breath she didn't know she held.

"W-what are you doing in here? And how did you know I went out?" She stuttered.

"You don't remember when you were training? You rushed back to your room, and changed into that desirable dress.." Gojo says, his words laced with lust. If he had to be honest with himself. When he saw you rush out in that dress - he couldn't help but imagine how it would end up on the floor.

Mizuki couldn't help but tense up as she heard faint footsteps come her way. She took a small step back as Gojo came fully up to her. Her heart felt like it was about to pop out of her chest as a hand snaked around her waist.

Gojo leaned down next to her ear and whispered.

"And I know, for a fact. Both of you did it.."

Her face immediately grew hot as her breath hitch.

"Gojo-hmph!" Mizuki was cut off as Gojo's lips met with hers - them moving in sync. Her heart fluttered as Gojo's lips moved against hers in a hungry matter. She felt his tongue slide across her lower lip, opening her mouth slightly. Gojo's tongue immediately crashes with her as a slight noise left her lips.

They break off the kiss to catch their breath - a string of saliva connected to their lips. Gojo didn't waste a second to bring their lips back together, this time a bit more aggressive as Mizuki made a faint noise.

Their body slowly moved towards the bed - lips still in sync with one another. Once again, they disconnected their lips to catch their breath. Both of their eyes, filled with lust.

"Now, it's time to take back what's mine." Gojo says seductively as his hands went to the hem of her dress - slipping it off of her. Leaving her in her bra and panties. Gojo's eyes never leaving Mizuki's body - analyzing each curve and scar she had from fighting curses. Soon, his face turned into a scowl to see there were hickeys and bite marks. Gojo's pushes Mizuki onto the bed - getting impatient and upset that there was someone else's mark on her.

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