˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter 7

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Gojo's foot tapped against the wall anxiously. Shoko was behind the door beside him - working on Mizuki. Nanami left due work, so now it was just Gojo waiting for news.

His mind raced with possible outcomes but decided to push them away - not wanting to worry more. A sigh left his lips before the door opened. Gojo immediately pushed off the wall and ask Shoko about Mizuki.

"She'll be alright, but she was put in a coma. Not because of the poison but because of the collision she was in. When it happened, a part of the building collapsed on her head - causing head trauma but not as bad. So give her about a week or two." Shoko explained as she began to take off her gloves.

Gojo just stared at her. He felt everything beside him go static as Shoko's voice became faint. It's not like she had died, but what was the gnawing feeling in his stomach? He decided to ignore it, even though he shouldn't.

"Thanks, Shoko. I'll visit, soon." Gojo says dryly before walking away. Leaving a concerned Shoko behind.

Soon, Gojo was greeted with colorful wood, unlike the plain, grey, depressing cement. He took out his phone - clicking on Nanami's contact, texting him.

'Shoko says Mizuki is in a coma. She says give Mizuki about a week or two.'

Gojo pressed sent - turning it off and placing it back into his pocket. His gaze stayed at the ground as his footsteps echoed in his ears. And his legs moved automatically, taking him anywhere. The world around him felt like it was unreal or just static.

"Gojo.." a voice said faintly - snapping out of his daze as his head raised.

"Megumi! Wassup!" Gojo says - placing a forced smile.

"Don't do that. Don't just pretend you weren't sulking a minute ago." Megumi barked as his eyes pierced through Gojo's covered ones.

A quick sigh left the blindfolded man's lips as his hand rubbing the crook of his neck before speaking.

"Mizuki is in a coma. My friend said to give her a week." Gojo confesses as he bowed his head slightly.

Megumi stayed silent as relief washed over his body. At least she's not dead. He thought to himself. His eyes gaze back at Gojo.

"Hey. Don't dwell on it too much.. At least she'll be alright." Megumi comforts before walking off to the dorms.

A small smile formed on the blindfolded man's lips before making his way to his room. He wouldn't dare go in Mizuki's room if she wasn't in there. So decided to sleep in his own.

Soon, Gojo's eyes landed on the knob to his room. His hand reaching for it - twisting it. The door opened slowly - revealing the small room. He entered before closing the door behind him.

He walks towards his closet, opening it when he got close. His hand reached for comfortable clothing. His hands went to the hem of his shirt - pulling it up and tossing it somewhere. He decided to just sleep with his shirt off - tossing the shirt he had in his hand back into his closet.

He slide off his pants before getting into the sweatpants he had. After getting comfortable, Gojo walked toward his bathroom to brush his teeth.

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