˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter 23 ⁽ᵉˣᵗʳᵃ⁾

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Young Jujutsu Sorcerers

The young boy jumping in his seat as he watches trees pass by through the window. Yua looked at the boy with worry in her eyes, she wonder why he was so excited just to go to a school. Soon, the vehicle came to a halt in front of a big open gate that was arched.

Mizuki was the first one out of the car and opened the back door so the kids would be let out. She helps Yua unbuckle her seatbelt and picks her up - placing her out on the concrete floor. Gojo also got out of the car with his blindfold on, along with his uniform. He was going to help Kaito get out of the car, but the young boy was faster. He was quick to jump onto the ground and make his way to the side walk.

"Papa, is this really J-Juju High!" Kaito asked with stars in his eyes, his father hums in agreement. Gojo smiled at how his son shorten the word Jujutsu to Juju, it was adorable.

The boy bolted up the path that lead to the corridors while the young girl tried to keep up with her older brother. The adults kept a close eye on them, making sure they wouldn't fall at how they were running up the path.

Soon enough, they reached the corridors and the kids stared in awe. Mizuki taps both of their head, making them turned their attention to the woman.

"Come on, let's meet my students, who are also my friends." She says the kids immediately follows her. Gojo following short after.

Once they entered the training and schooling area, Mizuki walked up some stairs before making a turn. The little footsteps behind her made it clear that the young children of hers were following. Her hands went to the handle of the sliding door and opened it, Kaito immediately entered the room and shouted.

"Greet your new juju sorcerer!" He chimed with a big bright smile on his lips. The young adults inside were confused. Mizuki chuckles as she enters the room, Yua holding her pinky finger.

"Calm down Kai.. You'll scare your sister." Kaito gaze shifts to his sister, seeing a nervous and scared expression on her face. His face scrunched up in sorrow before walking towards his sister, opening his arms and bring her into a small embrace.

"I'm sorry, sis." The young boy apologized as Nobara awe's. Gojo soon appeared in the doorway, to see the young children hugging. A light smile appears on his lips before stepping in.

"Alright everyone. We have two new future Jujutsu sorcerers joining us today!" He says with a bright smile, the young two shift their gaze at the three young adults. Yua flashes a shy smile, as Kaito sticks out his tongue.

"Would you guys like to introduce yourselves?" Mizuki asks and they nod, they both take a deep breath before introducing themselves.

"I'm Kaito Murayama!"

"I-I'm Yua Murayama.."

Nobara could help but squeal at the sight of the two children introduced themselves, it was the cutest thing she ever saw. Yuji flashes a smile, as Megumi stares in shock - he didn't know how to act around kids.

"Well, Kaito and Yua! I'm Nobara!"

"I'm Yuji!"

"Uh.. I'm uh.. Fushiguro.."

Nobara glares at the raven haired boy and Yuji stares at him, with confusion filling his eyes.

"Hey dumbass.. Introduced yourself right..." Nobara's words were laced with anger as Megumi tensed up.

"I'm Megumi.. Nice to meet you two.."

"That's better!"

Megumi trembled in his seat in fear not wanting to get threatened by the short-tempered girl beside him. Yua face turned into a frown as she glanced at the short brown haired woman.

"Hey! Don't talk to him like that!" She yells, Nobara stares in shock as her face heats up in embarrassment. She's never been called out for her rudeness - especially from a child.

"R-Right, I'm sorry."

"D-Don't say sorry to me! Say sorry to him.." Yua yells as it dies down a little - returning back to her quiet self. A sigh left Nobara's lips before turning to the raven-haired boy - who was expecting an apology.

"I'm sorry, Megumi.." She says with a defeated sigh while Yuji stares in shock.

"I think that's the only time Nobara apologized?!"

"You want me to smash your head open?"


Mizuki laughs before clapping her hands together, their attention immediately turning to her as they waited for her to speak. She walks towards Gojo and began to speak.

"Shall we start training?"

"Yes!" They chant as they get up from their seats.

And for the rest of the day, it was filled with training, exorcising fake curses (for the kids), and Yua yelling at Nobara if she was mean to anyone or threatened them. Every time Yua yelled at Nobara, everyone giggled to themselves, not wanting to anger the short-tempered girl more.

Mizuki was proud of her kids, she knew they'll become great jujutsu sorcerers in the future...


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