˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter 21 ⁽ᶠⁱⁿᵃˡᵉ⁾

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Mizuki was in the kitchen cooking, her wrist flicked when she flipped over a pancake - with a spatula. She hummed to herself as she feels a pair of arms wrap around her waist, their chin resting on her shoulder. A small smile appears on her lips - knowing who it is.

"Good morning, darling." Mizuki says as a small hum left the man's lips.

"Morning, my love~ You going to Jujutsu High today?" Gojo says, leaving small pecks on Mizuki's neck which makes her body shivers.

"Mhm, my grandparents are going to come over and watch Kaito and Yua, they want to get a chance to see them." Mizuki says softly as Gojo's lips were placed on her cheeks.

"Glad to hear, I'll get our clothes ready." His arms unwrapped around her waist as he made his way to their room to get their outfits ready for the day.

"Mama! Mama!" A scream echoed through the silent house as footsteps rapidly increased towards Mizuki. Her head to see a white-haired boy, with hazel eyes and a big smile on his face.

"Yeah, my little star?" A sweet smile appears on Mizuki's face as she bent down to the boy's height. The boy beams even more as he began to speak.

"Can I come with you and papa? Pleasee~" He begged as Mizuki chuckled.

"I'm sorry Kaito, but grandma and grandpa are going to watch you today. So, you'll have to have gram and gramp!"

"I don't want to hang out with old people." Kaito huffs as Mizuki pats him on the head - like a little warning.

"Don't say that, it's mean."

"Mmm." Kaito groans as his face scrunches up into a frown. Then a devilish grin appears on Mizuki's lips.

"You know what the tickle monster does when they are being naughty?" The boy turns his attention back to his mother - being invested in the question. "W-What?" He asked.

"They tickle them to death!" Gojo then came up behind the little boy and began to tickle him in the stomach. Immediately, giggles and laughter erupted from the boy's lips as he tries to push the hands away.

"Papa! S-Stop!" Kaito laughs as he got out of his father's grip and ran away. Gojo chases after him, grabbing him by the waist - picking him up. The man then placed the boy on his shoulders.

As the boys played, a young girl with curly, brown hair, and blue eyes appeared out of nowhere. Her small, chubby hand rubbing her eyes as she walked over to the tall woman.

"Ma-Ma." The girl says quietly as she hugged the woman's leg - once she was close to her.

"Hey, Yua. How's my little nova doing?"

"Good.." She mumbles in a tired tone, a small yawn erupts from her lips as her eyes began to close.

"You are excited for today? You are going to meet grandma and grandpa!" Mizuki says softly, trying not to startle the little girl.

"Nana and Opa?"

"Mhm, Nana and Opa!" A sweet, small smile appears on Yua's lips as joy fills her body - she couldn't wait to meet them.

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