˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter 14

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May 29 11:40 pm

Bring teenagers to the bar was a bad idea, well not that bad. Some of them were out on the dance floor, dancing drunkenly while others were passed out and seating at the table. Mizuki danced with Nobara, both of them moving their hips to the beat of the music at men stared at them. They were too drunk to even care who or what was looking their way. People looked at them like they were goddesses, or angels who appeared out of nowhere.

Gojo stared at the woman in the black dress, watching her hips sway as her body move lovely. His pants started to stiffen up just a bit as his sapphire eyes explored Mizuki's body. The necklace he had gave her hung low as she lowers her head - fixing it. Gojo himself was drunk but wasn't that drunk. He could feel his envy increase each minute as he spots a man staring at her or getting close to her.

The white-haired man chugged his beverage - placing his glass down as he made his way to the drunken woman.

Gojo wedged through the crowded - trying his best to keep his eyes on the curly-haired woman. After getting through the crowd, he spotted her dancing as a man's hands were placed on her hips - of course due to how drunk she is, she probably didn't even know there was hands on her. Gojo's jaw clenched as his eyes burned with rage.

"Hey, maybe you should find someone else to grind upon." Gojo scowls - making his way over to Mizuki who was off in her own world. The dark-haired man groaned before walking away. The white-haired man took his chance, rushing to the curly-haired woman's side - his hands immediately going to her hips, pulling her close.

"Mmm.. Hii handsome~" Mizuki slurs as a drunken smile formed on her lips. Their bodies were smooched together, Mizuki's chest grind against Gojo's while his legs were in between hers.

They danced together slowly - lust growing upon them. Their eyes kept contact, not taking their gaze away for a single second. Mizuki felt her heart race and her face burn. Her gaze flicked to Gojo's lips - glossy from his beverage. His rough, yet soft hand went to her cheek - caressing it, then he slowly leaned in - whispering in her ear.

"Can I take you out tomorrow?" The feeling of his breath against her ear and the smell of alcohol lingering in his breath sent shivers down her spine as her heart does spirals.

"Yeah.. Mhm, yeah." She slurs once again, now slowly swaying to the music - leaving her offbeat.

"Great. How about 6:00? In the evening." Gojo says, leaning down even further until his lips touched the nape of her neck - sucking on the skin, giving her a small hickey. Also, earning a soft moan in the process.

"Mhm, that sounds good.." Mizuki muffles softly - containing her moans as Gojo sucks, bites, and kisses her neck.

"How about we go back to the school, huh? Looks like half of them are passed the hell out and some are really drunk. And we could continue this?" Gojo coaxed - sending Mizuki's legs to struggle to hold her weight. She quickly hum in agreement. Mizuki called out to Nobara that they were leaving. The short haired girl walked over drunkenly as she slumped over Mizuki. The 28 year old woman was still drunk herself but was able to support the girl's weight.

Gojo called Ijichi - asking if him and another assistant can come pick them up, also explaining the situation. The white-haired man hung up before asking panda to carry Maki and Yuta who seemed to be passed out. Toge, Megumi were buzzed but sober while Yuji was on the table dancing like there was no tomorrow.

"Haha! Yeah! Get it Yuji~" Nobara and Mizuki slurred as the curly-haired girl records the boy - it'll be perfect for blackmail. The vessel of sukuna arched his back as he began to dance again - the two drunken girls laughed their heads off before Gojo ordered Toge to knock him out with his cursed to speech - he agreed to pulling down his white scarf.

"Pass out." Toge shouts - Yuji slumping over in a minute or so. Megumi caught him - wrapping his arm around his shoulder, making sure he doesn't fall. Gojo sees the Jujutsu High's cars park in front of the bar. He shouts to everyone that they're leaving.

They all exit as the second years went with Akari Nitta while the first years went with Ijichi. Megumi sat in the front while the two drunk teenagers sat in the back with Gojo and Mizuki. Due to them slumping over, Mizuki had no room to sit so she had to sit on Gojo's lap. As she tried to get comfortable - she could feel something hard press against her. Her face gears up as she stops her movements, Gojo's arms wrapped around her waist pulling her close.

"I never told you to stop~" He whispered against her ear. Her body trembled as she returned to her movements - slowly grinding against Gojo.

His teeth sunk into Mizuki's shoulder to keep in his groans as a quiet whimper left her lips. Her movements were slow at first but soon turned into haste, greedy pace. She tried her best to contain her moans and whines as his teeth sunk deeper into her skin. Mizuki tried her best not to make it noticeable that she was literally grinding against the strongest sorcerer.

"Hey Ijichi, how much longer until we are at the high school?" Gojo asked, his tone lingered with impatience as his fingers gripped into Mizuki's hips - causing a muffle whine to leave her lips.

"About 4 minutes." He says.

"Speed it up would you?"

"But that's be against the speed lim-"

"Speed up."

And that's what the assistant did. The movement of Mizuki's hips didn't stop until she heard the whispers of Gojo saying to stop, which she did. In a matter of seconds we were in a small tunnel as there was an entrance embedded in the concrete of the wall.

"Call the other assistants to help, me and Mizuki have serious business to take care of." Gojo states as he pulled the woman out the car and towards the entrance - Ijichi bowed before following the orders of the sorcerer.

The two rushes to Gojo's room, since it was the closest. They took a sharp turn before entering a door, both of them were now in the bedroom. The white-haired man closed the door behind them as he pinned the curly-haired woman against the door before connecting his lips with hers. They moved in sync. Two hands went to each side of Mizuki's head, making Gojo able to push his lips harder against hers. A moan left her lip as her arms wrapped around his neck - pulling him deeper in the kiss.

Gojo bit her lower lip, causing Mizuki's lips to part - allowing Gojo's tongue to slip into her mouth. Their tongues fought for dominance, of course he won. Whimpers left the woman's lips as her arms unwrapped from his neck and began to run down to his chest - unbuttoning his shirt. Before she could continue, the man broke off the kiss and looked at her with his sapphire glowing in the dark lighted room.

"Are you sure about this? Cause there's a chance you won't be able to walk tomorrow~" Gojo coaxed as a cocky smirk formed on his lips.

"Yes. I'm sure." Mizuki immediately responded before crashing her lips against his once again - this time with more hunger. She took off Gojo's shirt as his hands went back to the side of her head. Mizuki tilted her head to the side, deepening the kiss, without a warning Gojo picked her up from under her thighs and made his way to the bed.

Mizuki felt the bedsheets hit her back as Gojo was on top of her. She admired his upper body such as his chest, and arms. Mizuki then slipped off her dress with the help of Gojo as well - now leaving her in her bra and panties. He admired her body before smirking.

"I'm definitely going to destroy this lovely body of yours~"


Please don't hate me 😔 I'll give you guys smut after...2-3 chapters 😋
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