˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter 2

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"You lied to us!"

"This is unacceptable!"

"What the fuck!"

Were exchanged as Nobara and Itadori stands in front of an abandoned looking building that was with a presence of a curse. Gojo just stands there taking all the hatred words as he smiles. "Make sure you get all of them~" He sang. He lets Megumi stay behind since he mostly didn't really need training. He also offered if Mizuki would like to stay but she decided to show off a little. A sigh left her lips - the sun going to the horizon as the moon slowly came up. Mizuki's footsteps echoed throughout the alley.

"Come on, now." Mizuki mumbles "We don't got all day." She growls lastly before entering the building. Nobara giggles before chasing after her while Itadori groans as he tries to catch up with them. Gojo smiles to himself - seeing his students all ready to be able to fight on their own but he mostly kept his eye on Mizuki. Of course, no one could notice due to his blindfold over his eyes.

Megumi eyed Gojo, feeling a bit confused on why he stayed silent and look over at they for so long until they went inside. Once they did, Gojo went back to being his old, annoying self. "Megumiiii!"

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Mizuki's breath was heavy and uneasy as she encountered a curse that was holding a child against his will. Her gaze was stern as she stared at the curse while it chuckled. She drops down her dagger and raises her hands "I'm unarmed, let him go.." She hissed as her jaw tightens at the sight of the curse poking the child in the neck - causing a stream of blood to run down his neck while the curse chuckled even more.

Her heart sank at the child's cries for help. Soon Nobara's nails flew beside Mizuki's face - leaving a line of blood to form on her cheek. Nobara's nails hit the curse as it lets go of the child but still had a somewhat grip on the collar of the child's shirt. Picking up the dagger, Mizuki charges over at the curse as she could see the slight blue flame of curse energy flowing throughout the dagger.

With one swift move the arm of the curse was ripped off as it bleeds but lets the child go. Itadori then charged into the room and finished the curse - exorcising it perfectly. "Thank you! Thank you!" The child cried into my uniform - gripping it as tears streamed down his face. Mizuki's lips curled up into a soft smile while her hands played with his hair trying her best to comfort him. "You're welcome, dear."

Soon, the trio walked out as the boy was in Mizuki's arms while he hugged her neck. Mizuki had a soft spot when it came to children, due to her trauma when she was younger. Watching her younger brother get slapped around by her drunken father while her pleading mother tried to stop him. All Takumi; her younger brother was trying to do was to protect her.

Snapping Mizuki out of her daze - the child then jumps out of Mizuki's arms - thanking her once again before waving goodbye as Gojo and Megumi make sure the boy would get home safely. "Miz! I'm so sorry I hit you with one of my nails, i didn't mean to!" Nobara cries "Nobara.. It's fine, it's a small little cut. Plus, it would heal in 1 or 2 weeks." Mizuki smiles as Itadori starts to jump in the conversation - all of them talking back and forth about something ridiculous.

"Oi, the kid got home safely! Now let's go get something to eat!" Gojo says childishly "So where should we eat?" Immediately Itadori shouts out 'steak' while Nobara shouts out 'sushi'. "I don't really give two shits where we eat. But, I'm not really hungry." Mizuki says softly before going over to Megumi - staying away from the chaotic two that were fight on where to eat. "Megumi?~ You have a place in mind?" Gojo sang as Megumi scoffs and shakes his head.

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