˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter 8

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2 weeks have gone by, and still no sign of Mizuki gaining consciousness. The nurses were slowly giving up on her, but her friends didn't. Especially Nobara. The short-tempered girl threatened one of the nurses who said to just pull the plug. Yuji and Megumi had to pry Nobara off the nurse before she could beat the living crap out of her.

Another duo who didn't give up on Mizuki was Nanami and Gojo. Nanami was like a father to Mizuki, and she was like a daughter to Nanami. As for Gojo, he was someone she cared for deeply. After laying one eye on him, she immediately fell into his trap. Gojo showed her love and affection when she needed the most - unlike her boyfriend Taiyou. Mentioning him, he never paid Mizuki a visit, even when Nanami informed him about Mizuki and her condition.

Maybe he was just getting tired of her. Or maybe he was seeing someone else. Who knows. But for sure, Mizuki didn't give two shits what he was doing with his life. When they started dating, all Taiyou did was show her affection. Buying her little things, taking her out to pretty places, etc. Anything that pleased her. But now, it felt like he was forced to show her affection or just wanted to use her as a stress reliever for his personal troubles.

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𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 ⁽⁵/ ²⁰/ ¹⁸⁾

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Gojo sat on the sofa in Mizuki room, Nanami besides him scrolling on his phone. Gojo's head was tilted back - looking up at the white, clean ceiling. The sound of fingers tapping against a screen filled the room. None of them exchanged words, just enjoy each other's presence. Before Gojo broke that silence.

"Do you know what place Mizuki has been dying to go to? Or anything like that?" Gojo mumbled softly as Nanami eyed the blindfolded man beside him.

"Why do you ask.." Nanami questioned, being a protective over the curly-haired woman who laid peacefully in front of him.

"Well.. Me and her grew kinda fond of one another, you know. And I was kinda thinking of taking her out for her birthday next week.." Gojo murmured as he thought about moments of him and Mizuki - even a small smile appeared on his lips.

Nanami places his phone to the side before facing Gojo. A stern look on his face. Nanami knew the cocky man in front of him - especially when he was in his teenage years. He dated girls and broke their heart quickly.

"Gojo Satoru.. Do you have feelings for Mizuki? You know she has a boyfriend, right?"

Gojo stayed silent as he tensed up. He almost forgot that the blonde in front of him doesn't know about the affair him and Mizuki had. He was thinking of an excuse to get out of the situation.

"Gojo.. You didn't." Nanami growled, interrupting Gojo's thinking.

A nervous smile appeared on the blindfolded man's lips before tilting his head to the anger blonde in front of him. The blonde pinched the bridge of his nose as a scoff left his lips. How did this happen Nanami thought before taking a breath.

"How long have this been going on."

"Well, it all started a week or two after she joined-"



Utter silence filled the room as Nanami's foot tapped against the floor. He was in deep thought but mostly his blood boiled. How come Mizuki never told him about what was going on with her and the man beside him. All he knew that she trained over at Kyoto and moved to Tokyo due to finish her training since Kyoto was giving her trouble. She was at least 20 at the time while Gojo was 21.

"Okay.. Well the good part is that you didn't fuck her over. But what do we do about Taiyou?" Nanami mumbles before tilting his head towards Gojo.

"Oh! Leave that to me. I'll come up with something!" The childish man says proudly as he smiles.

"You better not do what I think you're gonna do." Nanami scoffs.

"I don't know what you mean."

"You know exactly what I mean."

"Nuh uh. I need some details Nanamin. You know my brain doesn't work well without more information about the situati-"

"You fucked the girl you were with in front of their boyfriend. That happened in your teenage years."

"Oh, I remember the dude cried. Oh, what a memorable moment." Gojo laughed.

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After discussing about some things, Gojo and Nanami left Mizuki's room. It was probably around 7 at night and the nurses told them that all the visitors must leave. Once they were outside the hospital - they went their separate ways.

After a few minutes, Mizuki's eyes fluttered open. All she saw was darkness and the moonlight casting through the window beside her. She lets out a confused hum before sitting up straight. Her eyes scanned the room before rubbing her eyes. She had no energy to move or speak, so she just groaned instead. The sound of the door creaking made Mizuki's head shoot up and look over at the door.

There stand a nurse in shock to see her awake. Then a innocent smile came on her lips before bowing.

"Mizuki, glad to see you awake!" She says before calling the other nurses. They immediately came inside the room and ran some test.

"So, Mizuki. Do you remember anything? Before you passed out?"

"All I really remember is fighting then I passed out."

"Alright, can you tell me the year?"


"Alright ladies! She's all good." The woman says as all the other nurses bowed before exiting. The woman stayed behind before speaking once again.

"We'll keep you overnight! Just to keep you in check, okay?"

Mizuki nods her head before laying back down, the nurse bowed again before rushing out the room. The curly-haired woman didn't mind staying overnight, she just couldn't wait to see her friends, she's been dying to see again. A faint smile crawled onto her face.

Mizuki's back from the dead.


Tbh, I feel like I didn't do a good job on this chapter but idgaf 😋 soooo yeah!
Also, it's 2018 in this book cause why not :D
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