˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter 5

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The sound of light breathing and slight movements of moving up and down made Mizuki gently come to her awaking. Her vision was slightly blurry as a small yawn came from her mouth - her hands coming up to her eyes to rub them.

Mizuki blinked a couple of times as her vision was no longer blurry. Her eyes scanned the room to the sight of clothes on the floor - heat rushes to her cheeks after remembering the night. Mizuki head quickly turned to see a sleeping Gojo. He was in one of his shirt he had gave her and sweatpants.

A small smile curled up on her lips. The fact he stayed with her after their intimate moments made her grateful she had met someone like him. Unlike Gojo - Taiyou always tried to avoid contact with her once they had intercourse. She still doesn't know why he did that.

A sigh escaped Mizuki's lips before turning back to the male in her bed. She leans down and places a small kiss on Gojo's forehead - a low hum leaving his lips. Mizuki gets off the bed, trying her bed not to wake up Gojo.

She took small steps towards the bathroom and closes the door softly. Mizuki starts the shower for herself as her hand reached for her toothbrush - putting on toothpaste and started to brush her teeth.

Mizuki walks out of the bathroom to see Gojo grabbing her uniform and tossing it to her.

"Thank you, Gojo." Mizuki says muffled - due to her toothbrush. She catches the uniform when it came her way.

"Satoru." He corrected.

A low scoff left Mizuki's lips as they curl up into a small smile. She tucks her clothes under her shoulders before walking back to the bathroom - not hearing the footsteps following her.

Mizuki goes over to the sink and spits - wiping the access toothpaste around her lips. She places the toothpaste back in her holder before slipping off her shirt. Not knowing there was a presence watching her.

"Wow, now that's a nice view." Gojo says cockily as he chuckles.

Mizuki lets out a small gasp at the voice before averting her gaze at the white head. She throws her shirt at him but he catches it.

"Perv!" She shouts as a pout form on her lips.

"What.. It's not like I've never seen you shirtless." He laughs.

"Whatever! You'll take a shower when I'm done!"

"Why can't I take one with you.-"

Mizuki shuts the bathroom door before he could finish his sentence.

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Mizuki walks down the hall towards the common room - where all of the sorcerers chill out. She enters and see Itadori on the couch watching some weird cartoon while eating. Megumi at the kitchen table, eating blueberries while reading a book as Nobara sat across from him. She was eating toast while scrolling on her phone.

"Hey guys." Mizuki mumbles before shuffling over to the kitchen - opening the fridge as taking out a small popsicle. She turns her head just to see them all staring at her.

"What? Do I have something on my face? Clothes?" She asks really confused and nervous at all the eyes on her.

"It's nothing. Just that your jacket is a bit bigger than usual." Megumi says before turning his attention back to his book.

"Also we heard some noises come from your room too." Nobara adds - paying attention to her friend instead of her phone.

A heat sensation immediately went to Mizuki's cheeks as she looks down at her jacket - or at least thought it was her jacket. It was Gojo's. No wonder why the sleeves draped over her hands. And they heard noise come from her room. Her room!

"Oh, eh.. That's weird! Aren't we gonna met up with the second years? Okay! Gotta go now!" Mizuki says nervous, jumbling all kinds of nonsense before rushing out of there.

"Well that was awkward." Itadori says unamused.

After Mizuki rushed out of there not paying attention to what was in front of her. Her mind raced. Was I too loud?! Well... I kinda was loud. But do they know it was Gojo causing me to make those noises? Wait.. Do they know about us?!

Her mind stopped racing when she bumped into something hard, well more like someone. Before she could fall to the floor, an arm wrapped around her waist and brought them close to her chest.

"Why are you in such a rush, darlin'?"

The voice immediately made Mizuki's heart to drop down to her stomach. She shook her head telling herself that she was imagining things, until the voice spoke once again.

"Mizuki? Is something wrong?" It was Taiyou.

Mizuki looked up to see his face - worry and confusion written all over it. She felt her heart race and her mind went blank. She even parted her lip to speak but nothing would come out.

"I-I, uh, erm.." Was all that came out of her mouth

"Gotta go!" She shouts out before pushing Taiyou out of her way, once again, rushing down the hall. The man who stood in the hallway looking over at her girlfriend - he noticed she's been acting strange recently. But decided to ignore, giving the excuse 'She just on her period'.

Mizuki was able to get back to her room without bumping into anyone else. She closes her door before letting out a relief sigh.

"Oh so their's my jacket!" Gojo says happily.

Her head turn back to see the blindfolded man. He was in dark blue pants, a white shirt, and black shoes. She could help but stare at him.

"Yeah.. I think I took it on accident..." Mizuki mumbles before hooking the hem of the cloth, but Gojo stopped her.

"Nah, it's fine. You can keep it for today! I have a spare anyways." He says, reassuring her that it was okay.

A smile appears on her lips before walking up to him. She was finally in front of him and looked up at him while he looked down at her. Mizuki wraps her arms around his waist - surprising him.

"I-I think the other knows about us. Also, my boyfriend is here." Her word muffle against his clothing. Her body shook as her mind raced, she was nervous and stressed.

"So what if they know about us? None of them know you have a boyfriend, right?" Gojo says as he pats her head - his fingers flowing through her hair.

"Well... Nobara know I have a boyfriend." Mizuki mumbles.

Gojo froze up before a sigh left his lips. He wasn't upset at all about her telling Nobara about Taiyou, she tells Nobara everything. But all he knew was that Nobara doesn't keep secrets well. At least for him.

"And for your little boyfriend. Leave him with me." Gojo says calmly as a small smirk appears on his lips.


Oooo, what will happen next???
Wait for the next chapter 😋
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