˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter 3

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A groan was heard from Nobara's lips as Mizuki pin her to the floor. They were outside training for fun - but also to work on their cursed energy and hand-to-hand combat. As Nobara was on the floor groaning Mizuki turns back to see Itadori and Megumi having a fair fight.

Both of them with small scratch marks and bruises. While Mizuki was zoning out - she could feel a presence behind her as Nobara was prepared to jump on her back. When Nobara ran and jump. The dark-haired girl moved before the light-haired girl can pounced on her.

"Ugh! Why are you so difficult!" Nobara yells out, landing on two legs - regaining her balance.

"You just have to be... Less predictable." Mizuki says with a smile as she disappears right before Nobara's eyes.

"Where did you go-!" Nobara shouts midway before getting punched in the face by her best friend.

"Sorry, Nobara.." Mizuki apologizes as she see her friend lying on the ground - shocked at how powerful Mizuki's cursed energy is. "I think we should take a break.." Nobara mumbles as her friend nods.

"Ow, ow, ow!!" Itadori screams making the two girls heads turned to see Megumi on top of Itadori's back and twisting back his arm.

"Uncle! Uncle!" Itadori yells - Megumi immediately cringes and lets him go and Mizuki secretly records them, trying her best not to laugh out loud, while Nobara is on the floor laughing a bit too loud.

"Hello everyone! What did I miss?" Gojo shouts which cause Mizuki burst out laughing and falling to the floor holding her stomach - laughing along with Nobara. Gojo, confused on what was happening, decided to ask Megumi instead.

"Megumi! What happened? Did I miss something.?" He asked as Megumi stayed silent - probably thinking about his life and how he went down this path. And made friends like them.

"M-Megumi and- Itadori w-were fighting! And- and!" Nobara stuttered while laughing, tears of laughter filled her eyes as Mizuki tried her best to finish her friend's sentence. "And Me-Megumi was on I-Itadori's back, holding his a-arm ba-back!" She laughs before Nobara and Mizuki got the courage to finish the sentence together.

"Then Itadori started to scream 'Uncle'!" They both say in sync before bursting out into more laughter. Gojo looked at Megumi - turning his face into a scowl and turned away. And, Itadori - who was sitting on the floor confused on why the girls were laughing so much.

"Pfft, now that's hilarious!" Gojo chuckles, quickly the chuckle turned into a full on laugh.

As Mizuki wiped her tears away from laughing - she then remembered the call she had with Taiyou earlier in the morning. She quickly ran up the path towards to Jujutsu High to get to her dorm. She was probably at least 4-5 minutes late to meet with Taiyou. Hopefully, just hopefully he was still there.

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"Yes, Taiyou?" Mizuki asks over the phone. Confused on why he had called

"You said you'll be back by midnight..." He mumbles sadly into the phone. Mizuki immediately feels guilt bubble in her stomach.

"I'm sorry.. I'll make it up to you." She says trying to comfort him before she hears him chuckles. Which sent shivers down her spine.

"How about we go out? Spend some time together? Make up the time you were gone since you joined that dumb thing." Taiyou says

"Of course, what time?"



"At our high school - where we first met."

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Mizuki ran down the old path to her high school doors, her beautiful, red dress flows in the wind as her shoes stomp into the ground. Her breath was unsteady before she chants.

"Taiyou! Are you here?!" She screams trying to catch her breath. Her heart beating against her rib cage as her thought raced. What if he left? What if he thought I ditched him? Soon her thoughts faded away once she heard the sweet voice of her loving boyfriend.

"I'm over here, darlin'." Taiyou says with a toothy smile. Mizuki lets out a breath of relief before walking over to him. He wraps his arms around her waist as she wraps her around his neck. "I've missed you so much.." He says before leaning down, catching her lips.

Taiyou leans his head to side - deepening the kiss as Mizuki lets out an approval sound. The kiss soon turned into a desperate, and hungry one. Taiyou felt a stiffness in his jeans. His lips then trailed down her neck.

"Taiyou... You know we're still out in the open.." Mizuki lets out a breathy whisper as he grabs her hand. Her gaze went to his as she see a sinful smirk on his lips.

"Then let's go to the place where we used to make-out, and the first place I made you feel good..." He says with a sinful chuckle before pulling her to their secret hideout.

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Gojo felt a burning sensation in his chest. He was spying on Mizuki from afar. Seeing her boyfriend lips against hers, and how they traveled down her neck. He felt his fist clenched in the pockets of his pants as he see them get out of my sight. But, of course, due to his six eyes he could see everything and anything. A sigh left his lips as he decided to walk away from the area.

Once the sight of the school was a blur to Gojo's vision. He made his way to a small bakery - the one Nanami always went to. He needed to get something off his mind. But the image kept coming back to him. The way Taiyou's lips trailed down her neck made the sensation in his chest burn even more.

What the hell is this feeling. Is it anger? Am I upset? His mind raced trying to figure out this feeling and why it made his jaw clench each time that image popped up in his head.

"Welcome to Starlight Pastries! If there's anything you need help with, let me know!" The lady greeted with a smile on her face. Gojo nods his head before looking around if anything spiked his interest.

Gojo walked up to the counter to check out, placing a sandwich down for the lady to scan.

"That'll be 1100 yen please." She says with a small smile. His hand went the back pocket - pulling out his wallet. Gojo handed her the money before taking the bag she put his sandwich in. She wave goodbye with a small smile she had before.

Once Gojo exited, his mind went back to the image. Just the thought of Taiyou laying a finger on Mizuki made his blood boil and the burning to return. His jaw clenched as his hands balled up into fist.

If Mizuki's little boyfriend can make her feel good, then Gojo himself can make her feel 10 times better.

His lips curled up into a small smirk.

And He's gonna show her that. Tonight.


Wait until the next chapter - heheh 🤭
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