˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter 10

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"Okay, I promise you guys. This is the last store!" Nobara says before placing her hands are her hips. "And none of my clothes better not fall out of those bags!" She yelled.

The two boys carried what looked like a thousand bag in their hands. The bags wrapped around their forearms, wrists or fingers, they groaned out loud - tired of carrying the bags.

Mizuki, on the other hand, only had 5 bags that Gojo held. Mizuki couldn't help but send an empathetic look - feeling bad for the two. Yuji gave a smile before giving a thumbs up. While Megumi save a tight-lipped smile.

All of them entered, once again, another clothing store. Nobara scattered off somewhere out of Mizuki's sight. While Megumi and Yuji waited outside, Gojo went inside, sticking by Mizuki.

The curly-haired woman's hazel orbs gazed around the clothing in front of her, all of them were either, crop tops, graphic tees, dresses, or plain shirts. Nothing really spiked her interest until she saw a black Cabo dress. She grabbed the hanger and held it in front of her - eyeing the material and processing the image of her in it.

"Now wait a minute, you know if you get that dress. It'll end up on the floor immediately." Gojo says in a seductive tone - walking up behind Mizuki, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her close to him, her back now against his chest.

"Satoru. Do you ever get a non-related sexual thought?" Mizuki asked before feeling Gojo's breath against her neck - sending shivers down her spine.

"Every once in a while. But, I only get them because you're always on my mind, love~" A seductive chuckle left the man's lips before giving a small peck on the back of Mizuki's neck - them turning into to kisses then hickeys.

"Aye, stop it, Nobara is still roaming around and could catch us.." Mizuki whispers softly as her face slightly burned up.

A low growl left Gojo's lips before removing his arm and backing away slightly. A sigh of relief escaped the woman's lips before analyzing the dress once again. At this point, she wasn't thinking about the dress instead show thought about Gojo's touch - how soft and warm it was but also how it was perverted and arousing. But she pushed the thoughts away before they came too intense.

"I'm gonna get this dress, and jean jacket to go with it."

"Damn, you are really trying to make me bend you over and fuck you right here in this store."

"Satoru!" Mizuki yelled quietly at the cocky, flirty man beside her while there was a lustful smirk on his lips.

"I love my name coming out your mouth, It'll better if you moaned out my name~" Gojo says - desire lacing his tone.


"Keep it coming, it'll only entertain me more~"

Before Mizuki can say something back to the man in front of her, Nobara came rushing towards Mizuki with tons of clothes in her hand.

"Come on! Let's go try some of these on!" Nobara squeals before grabbing Mizuki forearm and dragging her to the changing room. On the way there, Mizuki spotted a fuzzy, black coat. It was better than a jean jacket, in her opinion, so she grabbed it. She also spotted Faux patent leather platform pump in black - grabbing it quickly before Nobara can yell at her for stopping so much.

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"Oh. My. Gosh! Mizuki! You look so gorgeous! You'll get all the boys attention!" Nobara squeal cheerfully - taking her phone out and snapping a couple photos of her friend.

"Thank you, Nobara!" Mizuki says - a faint blush appearing on her cheeks, swaying her body shyly.

"Are you gonna were that to the party for your birthday?"

Mizuki nods with a bashful smile in her lips.

"Ooo~ Are you trying to get Gojo's attention?" Nobara teased before snickering as Mizuki's face heated up.

The curly-haired woman's eyes averted down to the floor - avoiding eye contact with the young girl in front of her. Soon, she heard a gasp echo throughout the changing room before giggling.

"I knew it!" Nobara mocked before placing an arm over Mizuki's shoulder.

"How long has it been going on? Huh? And behind your boyfriend's back, I've always knew he wasn't the one for you." The short-haired girl declared before looking at the woman beside of her.

"Uh... I-It's been going on for... 7 ye-"

"7 years!" Nobara gnawed as her eyes widened with shock.

"Keep it down, stupid!" Mizuki growled - shoving her friend a little.

"Girl! 7 years is like, is the time couple get engaged! Well, depending on the couple and how they are together." Nobara exclaimed before gazing over at the woman.

"So tell me. How does Gojo treat you?" Nobara asked.

Mizuki thought for a moment before smiling softly, and opening her lips to speak.

"At first, it didn't really mean anything. We made out time to time and that's it. But after a couple of months, we started to go on mini dates or small walks and got to know each other more." Mizuki smiled before continuing.

"And soon, whenever I see him, I feel my heart beat slowly creasing and my mind to go hazy.."

"Damn, girl. You're in love~" Nobara teased once again before laughing.

"Shut up!" Mizuki mumbles - pushing the girl away, who still had her arm wrapped around her.

"Okay! Enough with all this talk. Let's go pay before the boys scolded us." Nobara scoffed - gripping Mizuki's wrist and pulling her out of the changing room.

"I'm still in the dress, dumbass!"

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When Mizuki got into her normal clothes, the girls paid then left the store. Gojo following behind them. Once the two teenage boys came into their vision - Megumi's face turned into an immediate scowl while Yuji brows frowned.

"Why the fuck did you guys take so long?" Megumi scolded before picking up Nobara's bags - Yuji soon coping.

"Shut the hell up, Me and Mizuki were gossiping about something.." A smirk forms on the girl's lips "..Personal~"

Mizuki bundled up her fist and punched Nobara's forearm. Nobara laughed while Mizuki stared at her - anger filling her veins.

"Shut the fuck up, Nobara. Come on! I wanna go." Mizuki hollered before walking off to the exit while Nobara chased after her - saying she was just "joking."

"What the hell were they talking about that made Miz so pissed?" Yuji wondered as the two others shrugged and followed the two girls who were now arguing.

Woman are confusing sometimes.

The three boys thought.


Heheh 😋
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