˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter 16

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Purple blood covered her face and her hands as the veil lowered - the sun blinding them. Nobara walks, exhausted from fighting curses left to right. Yuji skipped outside the corridors of the elementary school with blood on his hands and uniform. And the raven-haired boy ; Megumi didn't have a splat of blood on him due to shikigami killing half of the curses.

"Man, that was so much fun! It really helps me let loose all my anger." Yuji mumbles as he stretches before wiping away the purple blood from his uniform.

"I guess, what pisses me off is that it ruins my beautiful face. Also, Yuji, anger causes more curses to form dumbass" Nobara says as a droopy smile formed on her lips, while Yuji scoffed.

Mizuki chuckles at the comments the students have made as she dialed her favorite assistant's number - Akira Nitta. The phone rang for about 6 seconds before the woman answered the phone, the sorcerer asked if the assistant could come pick her and the students up - which Akira agrees to. Once the assistant states she'll be there in a few minutes - Mizuki hung up. While she was still on her phone she checked the time, once again, 2:30.

A shallow hum left her lips as she thought about what she could do to waste time before her date with Gojo. She could train the teens, but they look tired. Maybe go shopping, nah. Mizuki was drawn out of her thoughts as a black car approached them - with a yellow haired woman with black tips inside. As she parked, the assistant rolled down the window as smiled.

"Hey Mizuki! Long time no see!" Akira laughs - Mizuki also synced with her laugh. The curly-haired woman nod before getting in the passenger seat. Mizuku ushered the teens to get in - Yuji immediately ran to the car and Nobara raced after him, leaving a slow walking Megumi behind.

Once everyone was inside the car, Akira stepped on the accelerator - making the car move forward. The assistant created small talk with the teenagers that were seated in the back as Mizuki was thinking on what to do to past time. Her eyes was settled outside the car window - not able to make out anything as it swished pass the car. A sigh left her lips as she decided to just gossip with Nobara when they get back to the school and make her help plan an outfit for Mizuki can wear.

Once again, the car drives under a tunnel and stopped - the same entrance from yesterday was embedded in the wall. Everyone get's out, expect for Akira. Everyone was out and went through the entrance - which lead them to a hallway where the teachers, assistants, and the principal slept. For Mizuki she decided to sleep in the dormitory, since it was closer to the common room, and she wanted to stay connected with the teenagers.

The four of them made their way to the dormitory, each of them going into their own room except for Mizuki and Nobara. The short-haired girl kicks off her shoes and plants her back onto Mizuki's bed as an exhausted sigh left her lips. Soon the curly-haired girl joined her friend's side as she sat on the floor - her back against the mattress.

"Soo, what do you wanna gossip about?" Nobara sang as she shifts her body which is fully on the bed - her legs up as they swing back and forth.

"Anything honestly." Mizuki declared as a short smile forms on her lips.

"Tell me more about you and Gojo~" the short-haired girl coaxed as a smirk appears on her lips. An instant smile grew on the curly-haired woman's lips before opening her mouth to speak.

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