˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter 6

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"And for your little boyfriend. Leave him with me."

Those somewhat reassuring words calmed Mizuki down just a bit - and made her heart flutter. Her arms were still around Gojo's waist as her face was stuffed into his chest. She could feel comfort and warmth spread throughout her body as her eyes began to close slowly - taking in the moment.

"Mizuki. Is everything alright?" Gojo asked, worried about her since she was still holding on to him.

"Yeah.. Yeah, I'm fine. Can we just stay like this for a bit?" Mizuki ask softly.

"Of course, love."

A low hum left her lips as both her and Gojo began to sway left to right in a calm manner. The rhythm of his heartbeat thumped against her ear as his breathing was slow and calming. And the scent of his cologne filled her nose.



Mizuki head raised to look up at Gojo while he had to look down at her. Her eyes looked at his covered ones - she could feel his gaze, it was loving and soft. She could feel her lips curl up into a small smile before speaking.

"I'm so glad and grateful I've met someone like you.." She murmurs - getting on her tippy toes and gave a small peck on Gojo's cheek.

Gojo's eyes widened slightly as his cheeks began to heat up.

"Okay, now let's get back to the others. Plus, we still have to met up with the second years." Mizuki states before removing her arms around his waist and walked towards the door.

Gojo couldn't help but miss her soft touch around his body. A small chuckle left his lips before grabbing his spare jacket from the closet and tossing it over his shoulder - holding it by the collar.

"Yes, we shall." Gojo says, opening the door for Mizuki and bowing.

"Ladies first." Gojo says while Mizuki lets out a little giggle before walking out the door. Gojo himself following behind her.

"Mizuki! Hey, darlin'. Wait, who's he?" Taiyou greeted before jealousy formed onto his face. He was waiting outside of his girlfriend's door waiting for her to come out. "And why was he in your room.."

"Sorry, but Mizuki is busy, right now. She has a mission. But. You could be the one asking me the questions." Gojo states as his covered eyes met contact with Mizuki. She had a thankful smile on her face before running off to the common room.

"So, who are you? Why the hell were you in her room? And, what's with the blindfold? You blind or some shit?" Taiyou asked - his words laced with jealousy and confusion.

"Calm down with the questions, gosh. I'm Gojo Satoru; Mizuki's teacher of Jujutsu High. We were discussing about her mission in her room. And don't asked about my blindfold - that's not important." Gojo says calmly.

"Well, what mission is Mizuki going on?" The boy asked

"Sorry, that's confidential."

"Hell it is. You just wanna keep me away from my girlfriend."

"I'm keeping you away from danger, you dumbass. You have no curse energy at all, Unlike Mizuki, she has a strong amount of it to protect herself." Gojo exclaimed - starting to get pissed off at how stubborn this dude was being.

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