˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter 15

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The sunlight that came through the window shone on Mizuki's sleeping face. Gojo woke up early due to a meeting he has to go to, letting out a groan, he got off the bed and made his way to his closet. His hand gripped his uniform and pulled it off the hanger, then his hand lowered to reached for the pants. After getting his clothes ready - he made his way to the bathroom and started the shower.

He sneaked one last glance at the sleeping beauty as the light glistened over her smooth tanned skin. He could help but smile before getting in the shower. The cold water sinked through his hair and down his face. His smile slowly ceased as his mind raced, thinking about how he'll confess to the woman in his room. His hands went to the shampoo as he pumps out the soap, he rubbed his hand together as he runs his hands through his hair - rubbing his scalp and locks.

His hair hung low as it became soapy and fuzzy, he felt the soap run down the side of his face. Gojo tilts his head back as the water runs down his hair - washing the soapy substance. He could hear his bed creak faintly as h heard footsteps coming their way to the bathroom.

Mizuki entered Gojo vision, her eyes were half lidded as her right hand rubbed her eye. Her gaze looked up to me and gave a soft smile before moving her gaze to the mirror - her smile ceasing. Her eyes were settled upon tons of hickeys on her neck and a few bite marks on each of her shoulders. She sent a death glare over at the sorcerer as he laughed.

"You really had to give me that many marks?" Mizuki taunted as she aspect the markings - slight blush creeping on her cheeks as she remembered the night.

"Well~ I did have to mark what was mine. Plus, you didn't tell me to stop~" Gojo coaxed as he put's conditioner in his hair - smoothing out his hair a bit. "All you were doing was moaning and begging."

"Shut up..." Mizuki mumbles as her face heated up. She turned on the faucet as cold water ran through her fingers. She cupped her hands together - making a bowl as water filled up in her hands. Once there was enough water, she placed it against her face as the soothing, cold water ran along her face - dripping down her chin.

"Also, don't forget. We have that date at 6." Gojo reminded as he scrubbed his body, his eyes gazed over to the curly-haired woman as she dried her face. She gave a small smile and a thumbs up before heading back to the bedroom.

Gojo washed the body wash off his skin. After the soapy substance was gone he washed the conditioner out his white locks. Once he washed everything off of him, he steps out of the shower and grabs a towel. He dries his hair then his body, he wrapped the towel around his hips before making his way back to bedroom. Mizuki was in her uniform, a split thigh dress with her new boots Toge got her. The white-haired eyed the woman up and down before a smirk comes across his lips.

"Nope, don't you that. Get your ass dressed." Mizuki scolded as she made her way towards the door - a sigh left the man's lips as he starts to get ready for the day. "Have a good meeting, dear." Then she left.

Gojo stared at the place she once stood, heat rising to his cheeks, she called him dear. It came out like water dripping down her chin or something flowing through her lips. Shit, this girl has me loved struck. Gojo frowns as his shirt went over his head, then he puts on his dark lavender jacket. And the finishing touch, his blindfold. He inhaled deeply before stepping out the door. He was meet with clouds in the beautiful sky as the sun shined brightly. Birds chirped as crickets croaked.

A smirk crept on his face as he made his way to the room the meeting was in. As he walked he caught a glimpse of Mizuki talking with the first years, she was a great teacher in his point of view. But it did upset him that she never went to the meetings, even though she was a teacher she was mostly assigned to go on mission with the students - to educate and keep an eye on them. Gojo averted his gaze forwards as he enters the meeting room.

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Mizuki forms her needles as cursed energy flows through her fingers - her eyes glared at the curse. Nobara was next to her while the two boys were behind the curse. The eyes glared at the two girls as it smiles, it flings one of its gloopy arms towards them. Mizuki immediately flung her needles at the arm that was coming their way.

"Paralyzed Pin: Resonance!" She shouts as the needles bolted toward the curse's forearm - the weakest pressure point. "It'll only be paralyzed for 10 minutes so hurry up!" She exclaimed as the teenager began to attack the curse.

Nobara used her hairpin technique while Megumi formed Orchi as it bit the paralyzed cursed - ripping off its arm. It roared with agony as it tried to move, Yuji set a black flash to the chest of the curse. Purple blood flowed out of the curses mouth as it stumbled over. Megumi finished off the curse, exorcising it.

"Good job everyone! You guys have got stronger through the couple of weeks of training but, you still need more." Mizuki states as she stretched - she takes a quick look at her watch - 12:30. She checked the time each chance she was given. A sigh left her lips as her legs began to move.

"Alright! Let's go exorcise more curses!!" The teacher exclaim as she skipped along the sidewalk - the students watch her like she was on drugs but decided to follow her anyways.

They all walked through a dark alleyway - a shortcut to the destination. Mouse squealing as bugs clawed on the floor, Nobara stared in discomfort and disgust as he huddled up against Mizuki. Soon an elementary school appeared in their vision as they leave the abandoned alley way.

"Yaga said that there was a curse here, who had possession of three kids if in correct. He assigned us this due to our abilities and our strength, but mostly me since I've fully had my training. But don't worry, you guys will get there. Anyways! Let's get started shall we, I'll lower my veil." Mizuki states as the teenagers nod and made their way to the elementary corridors.

"Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure." The woman chants as she held up two fingers in front of her - the veil began to form over the school as she entered slowly.

"Let's do it!" Yuji shouts with a huge smile on his face.

On queue, a herd of curses form in front of them, all of them chanting 'wear me'. Nobara held up her pins and hammer, Megumi's forms his demon dogs, and Yuji's fist flow with blue flames of cursed energy. Needles formed behind Mizuki as cursed energy flows through her finger tips - a huge devilish smirk formed on her lips.

"Let's leave this place looking like a bloody massacre.." Mizuki taunts before the teenagers charge at the curses - the teacher soon following too.


Unless, I make some extra chapters with cute moments with Mizuki and Gojo 🤩
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