˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter 9

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Mizuki walked slowly through the path to Jujutsu High's corridors. It was probably around 6 to 8 in the morning - the nurses let her out early since she was doing alright and had no trouble. The sound of her shoes against the ground - causing faint footsteps - echoed throughout the small path as the sun that slowly raised glistened.

There was wind as it blew softly against the trees as they brushed against one another. The dark sky turning into a light blue with dashes of orange. She liked this kind of silence - it's good for when you want to be alone and think. Mizuki was so excited to see the others, she couldn't even express what she was feeling.

She didn't even notice she reached the corridors as she walked through them. Her eyes scanned the area as it looked the exact same. She was glad to be back. So glad. A low squeal left her lips before rushing towards her room. Since she was running she got to her door in less than 2 minutes - before she could enter her room, she heard the squeak of a door beside her.

She turned her head before giving a bright smile at Yuji - who stared in shock and on the verge of tears, happy ones.

"Heyy, Yuji! How are you?" Mizuki asked as Yuji lets out a shallow chuckle before rushing towards her - pulling her into a tight embrace.

"I'm so glad you're alive!" Yuji sulked as happy tears streamed down his cheek with a smile on his lips.

Mizuki wrapped her arms around the pink-haired boy as she rubbed his back, comforting him. After a few minutes, the embrace broke as the boy wiped his tears away before a big smile popped on his lips.

"We should surprise the others! Y'know, Fushiguro, Kugsaki, and Gojo!" Yuji says happily - like a child who just received candy.

"You know what, that's an amazing idea. To your room!" Mizuki joked before walking into Yuji's room.

Of course, his room was a bit messy but what caught Mizuki's eyes was a Jennifer Lawerence, in a bikini. She immediately eyed the young boy.

"What in the fuck. Is that." Mizuki growled before pointing over to the poster.

"Oh, it's Jennifer Lawerence! She my favorite actor!" Yuji explains, his eyes moving to the poster before snickering.

"Take it down."

"What?! Hell no!"

"Take it down or ima beat the hell out of you little shit!"

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After discussing how to surprise the others. Yuji stuffed Mizuki into a huge box he had lying around, why did he have a box that could fit a whole human being? No idea. She didn't want to ask. Afraid he was going to use it to hide a dead body or something.

"Hey guys! Look what I found outside!" Yuji yells but it sounded muffled in the box Mizuki was in.

"What the hell did you find this time, Yuji?" Megumi states bluntly before Nobara chimes in.

"It better not be an animal or some shit. I'm not dealing with your stupidity after what you found last time."

A hearty chuckle escaped Yuji's lips before explaining how and where he found it. The others just listened to the boy's rambling as it dies down slowly.

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