˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter 12 - ☆

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May 29, 2018. 7:50AM

The warm water hit Mizuki's skin, causing slight goosebumps to form on her skin. A relief sigh left her lips as her body slumped. She ran her hand through her curly hair as water ran through it. Droplets ran down her fingers to her forearm. She felt peaceful, relaxed. Her hand reached for the shampoo before a creak filled the bathroom.

She spun her head around to see Gojo, his sapphire eyes eyeing her as his tongue ran along his lips as a lustful smirk appeared on his lips.

"Happy Birthday, Mizuki~" He sang "May I join you?"

Heat rises to Mizuki's face before shyly nodding her head. She tried to focus her gaze to the floor instead of Gojo slowly taking off his clothes.

What the hell is wrong with me. I've seen him undress so many times. Why the hell am I so nervous.

Mizuki was stuck in her thoughts, she didn't even notice that Gojo had already enter the shower. A small, husky chuckle left the white haired man's lips as his arms wrapped around Mizuki's waist, and placing his chin on her shoulder. Once she felt arms wrap around her, she immediately tensed up.

"You seem so tensed~ Need help?" Gojo teased as his hand slowly moved down to her cunt.

Mizuki instead trembled as she felt his rough, yet soft fingers reached her clit. Gojo placed two fingers over it and slowly moved them in a circular motion, causing a moan to leave Mizuki's lips. Her legs began to tremble as her breath starts to get heavy. Gojo's movements soon pick up a faster pace causing Mizuki's head to be thrown back slightly - biting her lower lip to cease her moans and whimpers.

"Consider this an early birthday gift~" Gojo whispers against Mizuki's ear, his lips moving towards her neck and leaving little pecks.

Soon, the two fingers slipped inside her and his thumb worked on her clit. Her eyes went wide as tears threaten to spill. The sound of her wetness and his fingers filled the bathroom. A breathy moan left the woman's lips as her head was still placed against Gojo's shoulder. Water ran down her face and body. She averted her gaze to meet the eyes of the man who was pleasuring her.

Gojo leaned in - his lips meeting hers. The kiss was heated but also passionate, droplets of water ran down their lips to their chin. The kiss broke as the two caught some air. Gojo's fingers curled up - hitting Mizuki's
g-spot. A gasp felt her lips as her thighs clenched together.

"F-Fuck, Satoru~" She moaned softly.

"Ooh? You like that, hm?" He teased before thrusting his fingers in the same spot - increasing his pace with each thrust.

Whimpers left Mizuki's lips as her legs began to quiver - she could feel herself getting close to her climax. Her whimpers and moans came for frequently - struggling to keep up with Gojo's pace. After a few more thrusts, she reached her climax.

"Satoru, I-"

"Not until I say so." Gojo growled - increasing his pace even more causing a whine to leave her lips.

As Gojo kept thrusting his fingers inside of her. Mizuki couldn't help but struggle to keep herself from releasing. All she could feel was his fingers thrusting in and out of her and utter ecstasy. Her body trembled, her heart raced as her mind was hazy. Her eyes were half lidded as her breath grew heavy each second. Out of nowhere, Gojo removed his fingers - causing a whine to leave Mizuki's lips.

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