As the war ravaged Earth along with everyone in the galaxy, a small number of Shadow Covenant forces managed to head towards Neptune where the Veil, an ancient artifact laid dormant that would change the war forever.
Under the command of Emperor Calus, Shadow Covenant forces invaded the planet along with the city. The local defense forces tried their hardest but even with advanced technology, there was no chance of them surviving for nearly two days.
The commanders of the defense force eventually met up with the GDC who snuck aboard or were also sent to defend the territory and they began fighting together even though they had no idea of each other much.
Neptune while a part of the Galactic Federation was mostly considered as a small isolated area because it was a government made up by descendants of survivors of previous conflict and wanted nothing to do or meddle in Galactic affairs aside from peaceful ones. But once word got out that a neutral and isolated planet got invaded, they invited the GDC into their home which the local population was still reluctant to hear but were glad.
Led by Colonel Osiris, GDC troops along with Neomuna Defense Force divisions fought against the invasion. But the Shadow Covenant managed to push through and almost all sectors were under their control much like Ethos Prime back on Earth.
And on their radar, they took most of the territory surrounding the Vault which held and stored the Veil. There, the Shadow Covenant launched a siege there and the Neomuna militias were trapped.
Most of the city was destroyed and survivors were forced to leave or stay in small shelters until the fighting ceased. Some decided to do their part and join the defense forces. The fighting zones were not safe for anyone because Shadow troops were killing anyone they saw on the open streets including civilians or wounded soldiers aside from their own.
Most of the city airspace was under Shadow control which involved heaviest casualties from GDC and the Neomuna forces. Air raids were quite common and people couldn't go out because they had no chance of survival.
Patrols and checkpoints were established by both sides as means of making sure that one sector they controlled would be easily defended. In the occupied regions of the city, Shadow Covenant forces committed far harsher and horrific crimes against the locals and did the same thing they always did once they took territory only this time, Emperor Calus was declared as Supreme Leader of Neptune.
As his forces tried to control most of the city, Dark Master sent more reinforcements in order to obtain the artifact and those new reinforcements packed quite a punch. An entire division of the elite Tormentor Army was sent to take command and see to it that the troops there were doing everything to make sure they had gotten the artifact.
In one such battle inside the city, the mission was to destroy a factory that had been captured by the Shadow Covenant to be used as a tank factory and vehicle repair center. But Shadow Covenant numbers were too powerful and had large amounts of troops defending it. Had it not been the heroic sacrifice from one of the Cloudstriders, many would've perished.
Other key battles took place all over Neomuna such as the Battle of CloudArk, Siege of Nepal Bridge, Skirmish of District 5, and the Battle of Imperator. Some of those battles were GDC victories. Over time, with new friends and support, the GDC was able to retake some key sectors. The HoverTrain Station which was turned into a Shadow Covenant Border Station was retaken by GDC forces no less than one week after the battle of Neomuna Ports.
The last remaining battle of Neomuna commenced with the help of Empress Caital and her loyal army, Shadow Covenant troops while powerful and advanced, were not able to defeat or regain control of the Vault. Calus along with his Tormentor Royal Guard and small amounts of Shadow Covenant forces managed to make a last ditch attempt to get the Veil. Calus died in the process but was able to transmit the Veil to the Shadow Covenant on Earth.
Destiny: The Civil War
Science FictionIn this alternative fictional universe based on one of Bungie's most famous video games, the galaxy was once unified and at peace. Wars and conflict was very rare for a peaceful civilization made up of species all over the galaxy. But after tensions...