Shadow Covenant Training

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Villager: What's happening?

Villager 2: What's going on?

Villager 3: They're here!

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Shadow Covenant Soldier: All civilians, head to the village center immediately!

Shadow Covenant Militia Trooper: Move move move!!!

Shadow Covenant Police: Head for town center!

Villagers: Whats going on?!

What's happening?!

Is it bad?

Oh boy!

I don't like where this is going

Village Elder: Villagers! The capital has announced a conscription law that requires everyone in every village to serve in the army! This includes our own village! Each and every person that stands before me today must sign up for the military! Because of the recent developments happening out in the galaxy, they want every available Solider they can get!

Villager: And what if we refuse?

Shadow Covenant Commander: Then you will be shot on sight!

Shadow Covenant Special Forces: And for your information! There is no age limit for how old you must be to enlist! From kids to elderly, everyone is required to serve! Disobey this order and you and your families will suffer the consequences!!!

Shadow Governor: Is this everyone accounted for?

Shadow Guard: Yes sir!

Shadow Governor: Excellent! All villagers aging from 40-60 will be trained right here as part of a militia group while others younger at about 10-37 will be sent to the boot camp just 5 clicks away from here!

Shadow General: And there will be no desertion! You here me!!!

All: Sir yes sir!!!

Shadow Governor: Excellent, your training starts soon! Anyone in the age ranges of 10-37, start packing up! Everyone else, head to your local enlistment center and start applying!!!

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