76. Who's That Guy?

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Pansy hadn't spoken for several minutes. She was looking up to the ceiling instead completely ignoring Sloane and Daphne. Sloane had made more cups of tea and even rescheduled her session with Luna so she could have more time with the girls. She thought that she and Pansy had made real progress this session, even if it was only her admitting her secret. No one had spoken in about 10 minutes. Daphne wasn't sure what to say and she was beginning to feel queasy so she was nibbling on another ginger biscuit. Sloane sat down again after making both girls new cups of tea and was simply sitting waiting.

"Why are you both looking at me?" Pansy said finally breaking the silence and the tension.

Sloane pressed her lips together and raised her eyebrows. "Well, one we were giving you time in case you needed it, and two we are waiting for you to tell us why you are in trouble." She didn't want to come across rude or annoyed but she didn't want to be overly smiley, cheery happy like Miss Sunshine either as she Pansy would get pissed off.

"Well I mean the fact that I am pregnant is a pretty big factor in my troubles," Pansy rolled her eyes. She had heard that Sloane was smart.

"OK, why don't we start again," Sloane said putting her now finished coffee down on the table. "How have you been feeling Pansy? Do you have morning sickness?"

Pansy sighed. The girl knew her secret now, she might as well tell her the rest. "No," she shook her head. "I have been feeling queasy and tired and the heartburn is next level, but I haven't been sick in a number of weeks." She lifted her cup off the table in front of her and held it up close to her chest, more for warmth than anything else.

"Well that's good. I remember my mum once telling me that morning sickness was awful. Although heartburn does sound painful. So you have both been to see Madame Pomfrey. Does anyone else know?" Sloane asked happy to have Pansy talking and not shouting.

Daphne was the one to answer. "Well, we both had to tell Professor McGonagall, who was actually rather nice about the whole thing," she explained. "And Theo obviously knows." She looked to Pansy. "Does your baby daddy know?"

Pansy's eyes widened and Sloane could feel her begin to panic again. "No!" she practically shouted. "I don't want him to know," she bit her lip.

"But he is the father of your baby. You can't have a baby and not tell him about it Pansy. He deserves -" Daphne started but Pansy cut her off.

"He doesn't need to know," Pansy sighed. "It's complicated, and he has a girlfriend now. I don't want to, I don't know, cause drama." That didn't sound like Pansy. She usually loved drama.

Daphne sighed. "I can't believe we are both having babies. It's exciting! I wonder if we will be massive come June? Do you know your due dates or anything yet?" She wasn't waiting for an answer before she moved on to the next question. It was obvious she was very excited about the baby.

Pansy however looked horrified. "Daphne," Sloane smiled choosing her words carefully. "This is a very exciting time for you. You have a partner, one you already know you want to marry. You will have a family and more importantly you won't be on your own. This is a very different situation for Pansy. She is on her own. Can't you see how scary that would be?"

Daphne looked to Pansy who, to be honest, looked close to tears. "Oh," Daphne said looking down at her feet. "I suppose I never thought of that."

Pansy sniffed. "Look, you and Theo are a couple. This is a good thing for you. You sound ready. I am not. I don't think I will be for a while, if I ever will even. I...I don't want anyone to know. Ever."

Daphne looked at her confused, but Sloane understood what she meant. She could feel the shame Pansy felt along with the terror. She may be a bully, but Sloane felt very sorry for the girl. "Pansy, you don't want to have this baby do you?" Sloane knew the answer, but she was trying to help Pansy express her own feelings.

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