79. The Bird Is The Word

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The idea Sloane had, was all she could think about for the rest of the day. As soon as her counselling sessions were over, she packed up, before heading out of her room and locking the door behind her. She was excited and wanted to get started on her plan. "Hello there gorgeous," she heard a velvety smooth voice behind her say. "Are you going my wa- Wow!" She didn't let poor Draco finish as she grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him away off with her, up to their dorm, not stopping until she was in her bedroom. "I have no idea what is going on but I am liking it," Draco blushed as he stepped up to Sloane and kissed her.

She didn't object, in fact as soon as Draco kissed her, she completely forgot about what she wanted to say. Instead she flung her books on her bed and wrapped her arms around Draco, kissing him back. She wasn't sure how long they stayed like that but she was quite happy with the turn of events. Sloane had noticed that Draco and she had ended up in this type of situation many times before. They would be kissing, passionately and stepping back towards the bed completely lost in the moment. They would fall onto the bed and they would continue what they were doing. And every, single time, like right now, Draco would stop before thing sreally heated up.

He pulled Sloane up with him, sitting up. "So what was the rush for?" Draco asked caressing her cheek and leaning in to kiss her neck. He had no idea but that drove Sloane wild. She closed her eyes, enjoying herself. Draco chuckled.

"Sorry...what?" She said slightly embarrassed.

"I said what was the rush? What's going on?" He asked now playing with her hand, pulling her legs over his and pulling her in close.

She sighed. She didn't want him to know that she was a little disappointed that their... interaction didn't go any further. "Oh...em, I had an idea and I wanted to get started with it." She didn't want to give too much away. "In America, anyone who has an Order of Merlin or a Minister can perform ceremonies. Is that the same here?"

"Ceremonies?" Draco asked surprised by the topic of conversation. "What sort of ceremonies?"

Sloane shrugged. "Well they could perform all manner of them," Sloane said quietly. "I mean, they could perform blessings and such."

Draco had no idea what she was thinkng. And he knew better than to try and guess wth Sloane. "Well yeah. An Order Of Merlin, is a bit like the Minister in that they can bless babies, perform naming ceremonies when babies are born, they can perform funerals and weddings and anything official like name changes etc."

Sloane smiled. "I thought so. I didn't think it was too different to how it was in the USA but I wanted to check before I got anyones hopes up."

"Hopes up?" He asked confused but smiked. "You planning on holding a funeral or a wedding?"

"No," Sloane answered. "Not a funeral."

Draco gasped to himself. "Not a funeral." He was complety lost. "Sloane what are you -" he was about to ask what the heck was going on what they heard a commotion from the common room.

"Draco, where the heck are you?" Harry shouted. Draco took Sloane's hand and the run ran down the steps and into the common room. There was a dark brown owl currently hooting very loudly and flapping it's wings, hovering in mid air, it's beak clamped around Harry's finger. A letter in one claw and a lump of Harry's hair in another. "Someone want to help me?"

Draco chuckled but put his finger in his mouth and whistled. The owl stopped dead, letting go of Harry's hair. It clamped down hard on Harry's finger making him hiss and curse out loud. The owl threw the letter at Draco. "Hey! Stupid fucking -" The owl clearly didn't like being called names as it stuck out it's claw and used it to slice Draco's cheek.

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