Intro Part 2

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It is July 21st, 2012. Y/N's surgery was a success and paid for by an unknown benefactor though I'm sure dear reader you can easily guess who that could be. Y/N stayed in the hospital for another few days before he was sent home. For the next few months, Y/n would undergo intense physical therapy to try and regain the strength and feeling he lost in the left side of his body.

It is February 18th, 2018, Y/N is walking, yes walking down the driveway of his home. While the physical therapy helped it did not fully restore Y/N's body to its former strength. Y/N finished his final year of high school back in May and is living in his childhood home by himself. His sister, Millie, moved to D.C. for work but sends Y/N money now and then to help him make ends meet. For the past few years, he's been trying to build a case to help reduce his brother's sentence and tonight he would get to talk to him over the phone for the first time in a while. He had gathered up some of his things and was heading to one of his favorite places, the Blue Valley Shopping Mall, a place he would often go to with Nicholas to hunt for ghosts. As he walked down his driveway he waved to his neighbors across the street, Coco and Apple whom he could swear he'd seen somewhere else before.

After a short walk, he arrives at the abandoned shopping center and makes his way to the roof, a place he often considered his true safe place, one where he spent a lot of time with his siblings. As he overlooks the town he waits for any moment he'll be receiving a call from the Federal Transfer Center. He takes a sip of the coffee he made before leaving the house when he feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. He quickly pulls out his phone and answers.

Y/n: Nick! Nick how are you?!

Nick: Hey buddy, how's it going?

Y/n: Kinda rough, it's been weird ever since Millie left but she's still pitching in, even from D.C. which is nice.

Nick: How's your left? Still the same?

Y/n: Yeah, pretty much the same. I do have some good news though, there's a hearing a week from now and I think I could get us in and push them to do a retrial. Now I've been going over everything from-

Nicholas cuts his little brother off.

Nick: Y/N, Y/N! I wanted to talk to you about that, there's no point. I'm not going anywhere.

Y/N drops his coffee on the roof as he tries to process what he's hearing.

Nick: Every jury that we've seen has agreed that I killed her, doesn't matter who I am or what my story is, almost all of the evidence points to me, my only hope is just to keep my head down, be on my best behavior and maybe, just maybe I'll be able to leave. Besides, you need to live your life, stop wasting your life trying to save mine.

Y/N can no longer contain himself.

Y/n [Shouting/Crying]: God damn it, Nick! I need this, please! I just for once in my life want something to go well!

Nick: That's just it buddy, it hasn't been your life. You've been living your whole life in fear that Dad would kill you, you've never had a proper chance to live, and now you do.

Y/n: What am I supposed to do without you now?

Nick: Well, you're on your own, Dad's out of the picture for the most part, right? Now you have the chance to start again. You are your own man now. You could start a family, travel the country, or do whatever the hell you want. As harsh as this may sound you just have to accept that I may not be there.

Y/N's knees give out and he collapses on the roof and starts punching the roof.

Nick: Y/N, buddy, listen, try to take a deep breath. I don't want you hurting yourself.

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