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A/n: Posted by QueshaTheWolfie on DeviantArt

The I.M.P decided to portal to the Hazbin Hotel to let his Hotel family know he was alive. The portal opens as Husk and Angel play are playing cards.

Blitzo: Incoming, injured human here!

The hotel inhabitants all rush to the lobby to see Y/n's condition. Moxxie and Millie lay him down on Blitzo's jacket at the bottom of the stairs as both the I.M.P and Hazbin Hotel inhabitants gather around.

Charlie & Vaggie: Y/N! Are you alright?

Angel Dust: Damn, he looks like shit, literally. What happened?

Blitzo: Would you believe me if I said an eldritch god came out of him, killed like 100 people, and then spit him out into the fires of a burning building?

Angel Dust: Nah, I'd think your nuts.

Blitzo: Dick, wait aren't you that pornstar?

Loona: Not important right now Blitzo! Anyone got any water?

Alastor appears in his signature cloud of red smoke with a bottle of water.

Alastor: Here you go!

He says while presenting the water, Loona snatches it and sits down next to Y/n across from Charlie and Vaggie.

Loona: Hey dummy, wanna wake up for us?

Y/n slowly opens his eyes to see Loona, Charlie, and Vaggie's faces.

Y/n: [Weakly]: I'm surrounded by beautiful angels.

Loona and Charlie blush as Vaggie chuckles.

Angel Dust: Aww ain't you sweet.

Angel Dust says while leaning over Y/n's face.

Y/N [Annoyed groan]: Ugh...I didn't mean you, Angel.

Y/n's response gets a couple of laughs from the group.

Y/N: I honestly wasn't sure if I was going to make it out of there, thanks for pulling me out.

Moxxie: What are you talking about?

Y/N: You guys didn't pull me out of the fire?

Millie: Nope! You crawled out with 75% of your body gone and covered in third-degree burns!

Charlie & Vaggie: WAIT WHAT?!

Y/N: Please no eardrums are still regenerating...

Charlie & Vaggie: Sorry!

Y/n takes a long drink from the water bottle.

Loona: So did you really mean everything that you said back there?

Y/n takes another swig from the water bottle before answering.

Y/N: Every single word.

Y/n says as he stares deep into Loona's eyes and while he wants nothing more than to profess his true feelings then and there he decides against it given the poor timing of it and the present company.

Y/N: Welp, I wanna do something somewhat out of character! Niffty, can you get my guitar?

Niffty: Oh yes, absolutely I can!

She says as she speeds off as fast as she can.

Blitzo: Why do you want your guitar?

Y/N: Because Blitzo, I'm a mess of emotions right now and want to sing! Let me have this, I almost died today. Besides I've wanted to perform again for a while now.

I'm Only Human: A Hellaverse AU Story (18+)Where stories live. Discover now