Spring Broken Part 2

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Our group of misfits is now hiding under the boardwalk of a populated beach.

Blitzo: Now, remember, we can't be seen, alright? And loose shots will likely cause a panic, so Loona can help with leading targets to a better spot to off'em.

Y/n: Did you guys not hear me earlier? You know I've been practicing magic right? I could just cast a spell to give you guys human disgui-.

Blitzo: You got the list, Loonie?

Loona skims a long list in her hands and gives it a sniff.

Loona: Got it.

Y/n: Why am I even here?! No one is even listening to me! Screw you guys I'm just gonna-.

Y/n: Why am I even here?! No one is even listening to me! Screw you guys I'm just gonna-

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Y/n: Oooooh my god...wow...Loona you look-

Loona: What downright awful?

Y/n: I was going to say beautiful.

Loona walks off in the direction of the first target before anyone can see her beat red face. As she lures targets to their death Y/N's stomach drops. He decides to leave them for better company and heads towards a giant stage set up on the beach with the hunch that Verosika has something to do with it. His suspicions were confirmed once we snuck backstage and saw Verosika and her posse all in their human forms setting up.

Ace: Hey, look guys it's y/n!

This quickly catches the attention of her entire crew as they all swarm him with love and affection.

Y/n: Hey guys, I couldn't really stick around and watch my "friends" kill a ton of humans so I thought I'd join you guys.

Verosika walks up to him and kisses him again this time with a little more passion.

Verosika: Oh baby I'm glad you did, things are about to get really freaky.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Milky: Verosika is going to perform Bonetown and we're going to use our succubus powers on that teenage crowd.

Y/n: That-That's a big ass crowd out there, it's gonna get ugly fast!

Verosika pecks Y/n on the cheek.

Verosika: We're counting on it.

She says with a seductive smile.

Verosika: Hey, you still writing and playing music?

Y/n: Uh yeah, why?

Verosika: You could be the opening act?

Y/n: Hah! Oh, that's funny.

A beat of silence.

Y/n: Wait you're serious?!

Verosika: Yeah, it'll be our first together.

She smiles deviously while moving her face close to Y/n's.

Verosika: Our first time performing together.

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