Author's After-Note

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A/n: And that's the end of Act 1 you guys! We reached over 1K total reads and over 40 votes. I know that doesn't sound like a lot but for me this is HUGE! Years ago I posted some books on here but have since delisted them as they were pretty cringe. So really this is the first story of mine I've shared on a public platform in years. While the numbers aren't that important to me the fact that you guys are is what's most important to me. I'm Only Human is just one of MANY stories that I've had trapped in my head for years, I'm just now gathering the courage to actually share it.

Above all else what I care mostly about are stories and characters which is why I try so hard to honor these characters and I am doing the same in Marvel Defenders Rewritten and One Piece: MFTS (Messenger From the Stars).

Now I wanna take a minute to talk about some canon and headcanon as well as behind-the-scenes details I came up with while working on this story. I started writing this story near the end of November with the intention of having both Acts 1&2 up before the official release of Hazbin Hotel on Prime Video, but because I tend to procrastinate (even in writing lol) I wasn't able to do that. So in a way, I'm playing catch up, the fact that I started Marvel Defenders Rewritten also didn't help but I was very eager to start on that one so I don't really mind.

Now for some BTS and canon details!

-So as I said all the way back in the "More You Know" section I said that Y/n's MAIN love interests are Loona (the primary), Verosika, and Charlie. I didn't include Vaggie but I did leave the door open for the possibility of there being one.

-This gets referenced later but if Elliot had never killed Vaggie both her and Y/n would've ended up together. Here's her human form!

-Going into this I was conflicted about who to make the primary love interest

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-Going into this I was conflicted about who to make the primary love interest. I was constantly switching between the main three and ultimately settled on Loona with Verosika and Charlie. Now as to who I would ultimately see being the perfect match for Y/n, I hate to say it but it's Charlie. She sees something magical about being human and Y/n being naturally attractive doesn't help. They also will be willing to do whatever it takes and go to extreme lengths to help others even at the cost of his/her well-being. Plus Charlie doesn't kill humans. While I still like the gradual romance between Y/n and Loona and the natural love between Y/n and Verosika, if Y/n had gone to Hazbin Hotel first he, Charlie, and Vaggie would probably be in a polyamorous relationship (a romantic relationship, except you have more than one at the same time. You could also liken it to having more than one close friend, except there's also romance and sex).

-After seeing the first four episodes of Hazbin Hotel released I thought I'd be retconning a lot of things but so far the only thing I'll be retconning is Sir Pentious. In Inside of Every Demon is a... Sir Pentious and the egg bois appear and Pentious says he's a resident of the Hotel just like Angel, I'm retconning that. At that point, he's more like a "villain-of-the-week". Think of the relationship between Ash and his friends and Team Rocket. He won't be a resident until the events of Hazbin Hotel.

-I like to give my protagonists each their own unique talent. Arthur, this book's Y/n of course has music. The Y/n of Marvel Defenders Rewritten is talented at cooking!

-In case you haven't noticed Y/n has some anger problems, and they've only gotten worse since he bonded with Thanatos...

-Finally the foundations of this story's protagonist.  When writing this book three characters came to mind while crafting this Y/n. At his core, he's one-third Loki, one-third Kenny McCormick, and one-third Butters Scotch. Loki's magic, cunning, and willingness to find his purpose, Kenny's determination to help his friends, and Butter's kindness!

This is far from the end, after all, there's Act 2, still more of Helluva Boss that we haven't even seen yet, and Hazbin Hotel's first and second seasons plus some original story as well! I haven't decided if I want to have a brief break before putting up Act 2 or not, more than likely I will probably work to upload all of Act 2 over the next few days and maybe even the first two parts of Defenders Rewritten. If I change my mind I'll post an announcement or something, otherwise thank you guys so much for reading Act 1 of I'm Only Human and I hope you look forward to Act 2 coming soon!

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