Gangsta's Paradise

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A/n: Art by sicklyspook, and SUPRISE YOU GOT THIS EARLY!!

It's July 9th and things have been quiet, a little too quiet for Y/n's liking, to try and liven things up he heads in to work early but to his surprise, the door to their office is locked.

Y/n: Huh, that's weird, you'd think Moxxie and Millie would be here by now.

Millie: Oh hey Y/n!

Y/n: Oh right on cue!

Moxxie: You're here early, did something happen?

Y/n: Nah, just thought about getting an early start to the day.

The three continue talking as Moxxie unlocks the door and the three enter the lounge and wait for Blitzo and Loona to show up. Twenty minutes pass, then thirty, then an hour, then two hours. In that time Moxxie has had to meet with a handful of clients while Millie kills the target and Y/n acts as bookkeeper all the while Y/n grows more and more concerned. A little after noon they go on a lunch break when Y/n finally speaks his mind.

Y/n: Guys. Do you think something happened to Blitzo and Loona?

Millie: I hate to say it but I was thinking the same thing.

Y/n: I never really thought about but you guys probably don't have cops who would look for them do you?

Moxxie: That we do not...we've had a pretty busy morning so we'll probably have more clients waiting once our break is up. So we can't go looking for them.

Y/n: Do you think you guys would be able to handle things here? Just the two of you?

Millie: Maybe, why?

Y/n: Because I'm going to go look for them.

Before the couple could even say anything to change his mind Y/n was already out the door. About ten minutes later he was in the back of Monopoly's limo and in another ten minutes Y/n was standing in front of Blitzo's apartment front door when he noticed the door was broken and looked like it was kicked in, a sight he was all too familiar with. He pulled out the butterfly knife given to him by Loona and cautiously entered the apartment. It was small with only one bedroom and was trashed like a fight took place not too long ago. Y/n heard a lot of noise coming from the bedroom and snuck into the room to see an imp going through the closet.

IMP: Hmm, what would the boss like?

Y/n stomps on the imp's tail, grabs his head, and puts the knife to his throat.

Y/n: You've got 10 seconds to live, make it count. What happened here?

Imp [Nervous]: M-My boss wanted me and some of my boys to kidnap the people who lived here, they put up one helluva fight though!

Y/n: You earned yourself another 10 seconds, who's your boss?

Imp: V-Val! Mr. Valentino!

Y/n: The Overlord?

Imp: Y-Yes!

Y/n: Okay another 10 seconds, what does he want with them?

The imp is shaking but for whatever reason isn't speaking.

Y/n: By my count you've got less than 26 seconds and counting, talk to me.

Imp: *gulp* H-He probably will end up making the imp an enforcer, if he doesn't comply then probably one of his bitches, I don't exactly know!

Y/n slowly pokes the knife into the imp's skin causing him to freak out slightly.

Y/n: And the hellhound?

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