Inferno Part 2

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November 6th, 2018, Y/n has been laying low since he returned and is currently binging one of his favorite shows with Verosika.

Verosika: I've gotta say, I'm not the biggest fan of documentaries but this isn't that bad babe.

Y/n looks down at his succubus girlfriend with a puzzled look.

Y/N: Vee...Breaking Bad isn't a documentary...this is a fictional show.

As they're talking Pringles enters the room.

Pringles: Sorry for the interruption Master Beckett.

Y/n pauses the show to talk to the Goetia butler.

Y/N: It's all good P. What's up?

Pringles: The Sin of Gluttony, Queen Beelzebub, is here and wishes to speak with you about an urgent matter.

Both Y/n and Verosika head to the foyer holding hands and sure enough Beelzebub was there.

Y/N: Hey Bee.

Beelzebub: Oh hey, bestie! And Verosika too, I keep forgetting you guys are dating. Come on down I gotta talk to ya about something.

The couple make their way down the stairs until they're finally face to face with the Sin of Gluttony.

Verosika: So why'd you interrupt our date night?

Beelzebub: Well, I remembered a while back when bestie told me about the contracts within the Goetia Grimoire and one was for Satan right?

Y/N: Yeah...what about it?

Beelzebub: Well, I got you a meeting with him!

Y/N & Verosika: Say what...

Beelzebub: Yeah, after all, he's like a brother to me so getting a meeting with him wasn't THAT hard. He said he'd be open to forming a bond with you and granting you some perks like me and the Radio Demon did! Now come on! Let's go!!

Beelzebub hastily pushes both Y/n and Verosika out the door to Monopoly's limo which is parked out front.

Monopoly: Hello sir, where shall you and the ladies like to go this evening?

Beelzebub: The Brazo Fuerte Gym in Los Satanio, Wrath Ring.

The three pile into the back and Verosika quickly curls up next to Y/n while glaring daggers at Beelzebub. A few hours later they arrive and stand in front of a building with a large sign reading "The Brazo Fuerte Gym: Get Ripped as FUCK".

Y/N: Uhhh you sure we're in the right place Bee?

Beelzebub: Of course bestie! Now let's go.

She says with a smile as she smacks Y/n on the ass before walking inside.

Verosika [Miffed]: I'm gonna kill her.

Y/N: Easy Vee, that's just the way she is.

Y/n gently takes hold of Verosika's hand intertwining their fingers, bringing a smile to her face as the two enter. Inside various demons are working out, doing exercises, and lifting weights. As the three make their way through the gym they catch the eyes of several demons who stop in their tracks to stare at Verosika and Beelzebub. Verosika notices that it seems to make Y/n uncomfortable and gives him a kiss on the cheek to calm him down. Eventually, the two make it to a private office.

Receptionist: Welcome Queen Bee-lzebub, the boss is expecting you.

Beelzebub: Thanks bitch! Alright bestie, right this way.

Beelzebub says while holding open the door for the couple as they walk through. On the other side, a massive demon can be seen lifting a ridiculous amount of weights attached to a barbell.

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