The Harvest Moon Festival Part 2

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A/n: Artist is Keikoni Midnight

Striker, wearing a cocky smile, is currently leaning in the door frame, blocking Y/n and Moxxie's main escape route.

Moxxie: Shit! W-Why do you have this...mister?! You ARE aware this kind of weapon can kill-

Striker: Demon royalty?

Moxxie: Yes. That.

Y/n Oh no...

Y/n quickly glances between the gun and the window which has a perfect line of sight to Stolas who's getting ready on stage.

Striker: No shit. *flicks his wheat stalk away* That's kinda the point.

Striker runs his long, sharp claws along the door before closing it and advancing menacingly toward both Y/N and Moxxie with a grin.

Striker: And would you look at that, I knew I smelled a living human here. You'll look great on my mantle.

Y/n feels a lump in his throat as he glances between the rifle and Striker.

Moxxie: Okay...Well I'm- I'm relatively concerned by your possession of this...I'm also glad my instant dislike of you has been validated.


Striker grabs Moxxie by the throat and uses his tail to strangle Y/n. Striker throws Y/n at just the right angle so he can hit his head on the wooden bed frame while he strangles Moxxie. Moxxie tries to desperately claw at Striker to get him to let him go but to no avail, luckily for Moxxie Y/n is still conscious and manages to get to his feet.

Y/n: Hey jackass!

Striker turns his attention to Y/n who uses his magic to conjure a brick which he throws out the window.

Striker: Boy, you humans really are all fucking stupid.

Y/n: I wouldn't be so sure about that.

Y/n glances out the window to see Millie looking at the brick, Y/n then makes it disappear, which causes Millie to run back towards the house. Y/n then charges at Striker and tackles him against the desk.

Y/n: Moxxie get out of here!

Moxxie breaks for the door when Striker bites into Y/n's left shoulder. Y/n grits his teeth then head-butts Striker. It didn't faze him much though because Striker was able to smash the desk lamp across Y/n's head and grab Moxxie before he could leave. Striker then wraps his tail around Y/n's neck again and his arms around Moxxie making sure to cover his mouth and starts to suffocate him.

Y/n [Choking]:

Striker [Quitely laughing]: Pathetic

Suddenly Striker lets out a loud cry as Millie stabs him in the back multiple times, Striker lets go of Y/n and Moxxie but both are too hurt to get up leaving Millie to fend for herself. Even she doesn't last long though as Striker slams her into the wall and breaking her arm.

 Even she doesn't last long though as Striker slams her into the wall and breaking her arm

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