The Story So Far...As Told By Y/n

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Well...let's hope this goes how I'm hoping it goes otherwise I'm a bit screwed. You know you'd think I'd get used to floating in black ethereal voids but nope, still unsettling. I guess now would be a good time to recap how exactly I got here, got nothing better to do anyway.

My name is Y/n Beckett, I was born in a small town in Oklahoma called Eastview on October 13th, 2000. My family consists of my piece of shit dad Elliot, my angel of a mom Susan, my older traitor sister Millie, and my incarcerated older brother Nick. My entire life I lived in constant fear that my abusive deadbeat dad would kill me, so I found refuge in the world of the weird. Magic, monsters, legends, and every mythology I could research, though this did cause people to think I'm some kind of freak and distance themselves from me. There was one person who stood by my side for a few years though, a girl who lived a few houses down from me named Agatha, or Aggie for short.

When I was little my dad left to go drinking and like an idiot, I panicked and went looking for him, though I'm kind of glad I did because that was the night I met Verosika Mayday and her posse. Outside of my family, except my asshole dad, her and her crew were some of the first strangers who showed me genuine kindness, they even helped me get back home. I didn't know this at the time but apparently, her and her whole crew were succubi and incubi! Pretty crazy huh? I would get to see Verosika and her posse a few more times throughout my life, they would occasionally pass through Eastview to visit me, and I was always happy to see them. 

My life, minus my dad, was going pretty well for a while...that was until the day my mom died, my brother went to prison for her murder but I knew...I KNEW that Nick would never hurt Mom, Millie knew it too. Deep down we knew Dad killed Mom, more than likely to cash in on her life insurance policy, that piece of shit. I didn't know this at the time but not even a week after he killed my mom he killed Aggie too! In the most humiliating way possible too...

Things would only get worse after that because a year after Mom's death me and Millie confronted Dad, we wanted to know the truth, and we wanted to hear it straight from his mouth. Boy, what a mistake that was, he took the bottle he was drinking from and smashed it against my neck! Now until that day I never knew this was a thing but apparently there's this condition people can be born with called Chiari Malformation, it's where part of your skull presses against your spine which can lead to a whole lot of problems. Most people don't know they even have it, it usually takes a trigger of sorts for the debilitating symptoms to kick in, which range in form and vary from person to person. Well for me it was the bottle and it practically paralyzed me and my left side, I had little to no feeling in my left arm, leg, side, or anything. The only way to correct it was to undergo corrective surgery, thankfully my guardian angel Verosika came through on that end, she even came to visit me before it. That's when she revealed her true self to me, as a succubus. She also did something that still blows my mind to this day which was bind our souls together, making us figuratively and literally soulmates! After that day, I didn't see her again for quite some time...

Years later I hit my lowest of lows, once I got out of the hospital my mind wasn't quite in the right place, turns out my mind, for whatever reason, created a series of mental blocks, which caused me to forget a lot about my past. Verosika and Aggie were part of the memories that got lost. I didn't forget about my brother or my mom though. So from that day forward, I dedicated my life to try and prove my brother's innocence. Not long after I got out of the hospital my sister left to go work in Washington D.C. leaving me to fend for myself. I did have my super cool neighbors though, Apple and Coco, members of Verosika's posse. They were there to keep an eye on me because Verosika was dating some asshole at the time. Anyway, I managed to get a phone call set up with my brother where I was going to tell him about all of the work I had put in to help him get out. I guess I should've told him earlier because he didn't want me to help him, he wanted me to move on and live my life without him...I still miss him. That was when I hit my limit, I had even gone to our favorite place to tell him everything, the abandoned Blue Valley Shopping Mall. Once our call got cut off I nearly threw myself off the roof but I'm so thankful I didn't because that night, the night of February 18th my life changed. I met Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie of the group I.M.P. They're Imps who were born in Hell who work as hired killers, while they questioned me at first after a while they really began to understand the kind of person I am. But my life really changed when I met the fourth member of I.M.P, Loona the hellhound.

From there it's history; I met Stolas and his daughter Octavia who took me under their figurative and literal wings, I fought a deranged robot jester in a burning down theme park, learned magic, met Alastor, and formed a contract with him and then I reunited with Verosika and now we're dating! I also met and formed a contract with Beelzebub, and saved Blitzo and Loona from Valentino, a deranged Overlord of Hell.

Then we went to the Harvest Moon Festival where something crazy happened. We were fighting an imp assassin named Striker and I got hurt pretty badly, I actually thought I was gonna die. But that's when the most unlikely of rescues came, the Greek God of Death, Thanatos! He bonded with me and helped me fight back against Striker. Though every time I transform into him he literally tears my body to pieces which hurts like hell.

After the Harvest Moon Festival, I met my current other girlfriend Charlie! She's the princess of Hell and owns a place called the Hazbin Hotel, a place for rehabilitating human sinners. Once I was shown around I couldn't help but feel like I had finally found my place in the world, I was needed here. So I quit my temp job at I.M.P and was the Human Ambassador at the Hotel! But then Blitzo and Moxxie got kidnapped by a human organization called the D.H.O.R.K.S. so Loona and Millie (mostly Millie because Loona was mad I left) came to ask me for help rescuing them. And we did! Until it was revealed that my sister Millie was their organization's director who threatened to kill my new family, of course, I was having none of it and Thanatos helped me and the others escape but I was injured pretty badly. If it weren't for my contract with Beelzebub I'd be dead.

Then on my birthday I botched a spell to help my friends, got spaghettified, and teleported all over Hell while trying to help my friends, one thing led to another and I almost had sex with Verosika in a club bathroom, helped Moxxie and Millie have a great anniversary but couldn't help Blitzo and Stolas. Things kind of worked out in the end because I got to help Loona, I helped her get out of Bee's party and took her to Eastview where we got to watch the stars, I got to play music for her and then she told me she loved me?!

After that, we started dating, which Verosika was cool with! Then Octavia ran off to Earth for a bit, me and Loona kissed, Verosika formed my "Harem of Hell Hotties", me and Charlie started dating, we fought Moxxie's Dad who's a mob boss, and then Striker kidnapped me and Stolas. Things were looking pretty bad for us but Moxxie, Millie, and Vaggie came to try and save us but Striker got away, taking me with him. He took me to some ice castle where I was tortured by Stella, Striker, Valentino, and Andrealphus (Stella's brother). They wanted me to tell them where Octavia was hiding, knowing Stella I refused to let them hurt Octavia so I refused to tell them anything. Even after I had pretty much every bone in my body broken I didn't tell them anything. I thought I had beat them but I think I made things worse because Stella took one of Striker's guns and blew a hole in my chest.

So yeah...I'm dead right now. I'm not TOO worried though, pretty soon I should hopefully manifest in Hell as a mortal sinner, that way I'll be stronger than them. Human sinners are said to be stronger than Hellborn natives, given the power I've gained since coming to Hell I might be powerful enough to be an Overlord, then I'd be as strong if not stronger than them. Or Thanatos will revive me, that'd be even better! So hopefully either of those will happen soon! Wait...what's that light?

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