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A/n: This chapter covers some heavy topics like addiction, depression, and suicide, just a heads up.

September 6th, 2019. It's been two months since Y/n and Loona's disappearance and things have been as far from okay as they could possibly be. And of course, none are suffering quite as badly as Verosika Mayday. Currently, she's drowning her sorrows in all of the cheap booze she can buy in one of Wrath Ring's several bars.

Bartender: Uh...Miss Mayday. Normally I'm all for sad saps throwing away their money here but...I'm sorry but I'm cutting you off here.

Verosika [Slurred speech/Depressed]: J-Just...just *hiccup* just one more drink and I'll leave...I *hiccup* I promise.

Verosika pulls a wad of cash out and slams it on the bar counter as she rests her head in her hands. The imp bartender sighs as he sets a fresh glass on the counter and is about to begin pouring when she grabs his wrist and glares at him.

Verosika: Do us both a favor and give me the whole *hiccup* fucking bottle.

Verosika yanks the bottle out of his hands and begins to chug it. The bartender rolls his eyes and then walks to the opposite side of the bar. Verosika stops for a moment to reach into her purse and pulls out a pill bottle, as she fiddles and struggles to open it a man leans against the bar next to her.

???: Hey beautiful.

Verosika rolls her eyes as she looks up to see the face of...Y/n?

Verosika [Under breath]: No. Go away, we're not doing this.

Verosika grabs the bottle as she stumbles towards the door with Y/n following behind her. He continues talking as she pulls out her phone and texts her chauffeur as she exits the bar, the dry desert air of Wrath burns her eyes.

Y/N?: Oh come on now, is that any way to treat little old me?

Having enough of this she smashes the bottle on the ground and turns towards Y/n.

Verosika: STOP IT! We have done this same routine for weeks now! Just stop!

Y/N? [Taunting]: Stop what hourglass?

Verosika: UGH!! THIS FUCKING BULLSHIT!!! You're not real! You're a figment of my imagination! I created you in a VERY desperate attempt to cope, I wanted you to be there to comfort me but all you've done since is mess with and torment me!!

Verosika drops to her knees and begins sobbing as she tries to open the pill bottle from earlier, her tears landing on the label reading "Verosika Mayday. Doctor Belphegor's Antidepressants, 30mg pills, take two pills during episode", however like before she can't open the bottle. Y/n looks down and smirks at her miserable state.

Imaginary Y/N: Come on, you can do it.

As she lifts her head up to meet his smug gaze her tears start to make her make-up run and Y/n boops her on the nose.

Verosika [Sniffling]: W-Why...

Imaginary Y/N: What's that? I couldn't hear you on the count of you acting like a whiney bitch!

Verosika [Shouting]: WHY?! WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING THIS TO ME?!?

The Imaginary Y/n grabs Verosika by the collar and pulls her up.

Imaginary Y/N: Because you won't fucking listen, that's why! I've been trying to tell you something genuinely important but you've been too busy with this ridiculous obsession!! Taking every drug and drinking every bottle you get your little grubby hands on!!

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