The Harvest Moon Festival Part 1

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It's September 28th and Y/n and Verosika are currently cuddling in the back of a limo being driven by Monopoly on their way back from Bennigan's and going to Verosika's place.

Verosika: Thanks for treating me to lunch babe.

She says as she places a soft kiss on his lips and runs her hand through his hair.

Y/n: Hey Vee, I've been wanting to ask you something for a while, what do you think of open-?

Y/n is cut off when his phone rings, he looks at the screen with disdain when he sees Blitzo calling.

Verosika: Ugh not that prick.

Y/n: Let me see what he wants.

Y/n accepts the call to hear the voice of his eager "boss".

Blitzo: Ayo champ, how'd you like to come with us to visit Wrath Ring for some harvest bullshit this year?

Y/n: Harvest bullshit?

Verosika: Does he mean the Harvest Moon Festival?

Blitzo: Wait is that that skank Verosika? Are you still fucking around with her?

Y/n: If by "effing around" you mean in a nice and steady relationship then yes. So what's this about the Harvest Moon Festival?

Blitzo: We're going with Stolas and staying at Millie's folks' place.

Y/n: Okay, who's going?

Blitzo: Me, Stolas, Moxxie, Millie, and Lo-.

Y/n: Yeah! I'd love to! Vee do you want to go?

Verosika: I've got a meeting at Ozzie's to talk business, sorry baby.

Blitzo: Oh, thank fuck! Drop the whore off, grab your shit, and meet us at headquarters in an hour.

He abruptly hangs up the phone. Y/n reaches over to the controls for the privacy divider, lowers it, and speaks to Monopoly.

Y/n: Hey Monopoly, change of plans, ever been to Wrath?

Monopoly: A few times sir, what is the occasion?

Y/n: IMP is going there with Stolas for the Harvest Moon Festival, could we swing by the mansion, drop Verosika off and then meet them at Wrath?

Monopoly: It may be quite the ride but I do enjoy a good challenge, Mr. Beckett, I will let you know when we arrive at his Highnesses estate.

Y/n: Thanks, Monopoly!.

He says as he closes the privacy divider. Verosika giggles and Y/n picks her up and sits her on his lap so the two are facing each other.

Y/n: What's so funny?

Verosika: You like Blitz-o's hellhound, don't you?

Y/n slowly turns the same shade of red as Blitzo himself, while yes it is true that he's had a crush on Loona for a while he hasn't told anyone, not even Moxxie who at this point is basically his best friend. He wanted to tell Verosika but didn't want things to get out of hand.

Y/n [Stammering]: W-Well...I uh...the thing is-

Verosika wraps her arms around Y/n's neck and places a gentle yet passionate kiss on his lips. As she slowly breaks away she speaks again.

Verosika: Y'know just the other day Coco and Apple were joking saying "If you love him you'll share him" and I got to thinking and if you wanna date me and the hellhound I'll be perfectly fine with it. That's what you were going to ask me, wasn't it? "What do you think of open relationships?".

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