Wild Side (Lost Chapters)

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March 14th, 2019. Y/n is on the roof of the hotel with Vaggie, Angel, and Sir Pentious all of whom are watching Y/n attempting to control his Madness abilities.

Y/N [Deep breathing]: Focus...concentrate. Channel and control your anger and use it.

Y/n's skin slowly begins to change hues taking on a faded purple.

Angel Dust: Hey, look! Y/n and Vagina are matching!

Y/n's concentration is broken and both him and Vaggie lash out at him.

Y/N & Vaggie: ANGEL!!!

Angel Dust: What?! It's true!

Y/n looks down at his arms and sees that his skin does somewhat match Vaggie's which brings a subtle smile to both their faces.

Sir Pentious: SSSSSo is it true that you two knew each other in your previoussss lives?

Vaggie: Yeah, we grew up in the same neighborhood. We were both kind of...outcasts, that's probably one of the reasons we were such good friends.

Y/N: One of the reasons we ARE such good friends. Heh, remember those nights when you snuck into my room and we had those sleepovers?

Vaggie: Yeah! Your brother would sneak us snacks and we'd stay up late playing games on your Gamecube and your brother's N64! What was that one game I loved? The one with the little plant guys?

Y/N: Pikmin! Oh, you loved those games, you loved Pikmin and Mario games and I loved the Legend of Zelda games. We spent so many nights playing those as well as Super Smash Bros and Mario Kart!

Vaggie [Blushing]: I...miss the nights we shared.

Sir Pentious: Awww, how ssssweet.

Angel Dust: And I got no fucking clue what you're talking about.

Y/N: You've never played a video game, Angel?

Angel Dust: Nope, gotta remember I died in the late 40's.

Y/N: You seem like you'd be a femboy with a pink gamer setup.

Sir Pentious: What about me? What kind of-

Suddenly a magic circle appears beneath Sir Pentious immediately setting off red flags for Y/n and Vaggie.

Y/N: Uhh Pen.

Y/n points down to the circle and then gestures for Pentious to move towards him.

Y/N: Very carefully make your way over to me.

Pentious then looks down at the circle and slowly does as Y/n says but before he can the circle opens up and turns into a portal that pulls Pentious in.

Sir Pentious: WAHHH!!!

Y/N & Vaggie: PENTIOUS!!

Before they can go after him the portal quickly closes leaving them very concerned and confused.

Angel Dust: Uh, what the hell was that?!

Y/N: Shit shit shit!

Y/n quickly rushes over to where the circle used to be and desperately tries to use his magic to try and reopen it and manages to get a sliver of it open.

Y/N: Vag, Angie, a little help?

Vaggie: What do you want us to do?

Y/N: Pull!

Vaggie grabs her spear and stabs it into the crack of the portal to help pry it open while Angels uses all four of his arms to do the same.

Y/N [Strained]: Come on...come on! Pull!

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