Seeing Stars Part 3

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The couple stand outside the shop in the exact same spot where Octavia's selfie was taken. They look at her account to see multiple selfies taken all across the city.

Y/N: Clever girl, even if it was completely unintentional. Find the locations in the pictures, fine Octavia. Let's follow the trail.

The couple sets off, embarking on a frantic search across the city, determined to uncover each of the locations detailed in Octavia's posts. As they progress from one spot to another, the weariness and irritation escalate, casting a shadow over their once-enthusiastic pursuit. The couple decide to rest in front of the famous Hollywood sign.

Y/N [Exhausted]: I've gotta say...if what she was doing wasn't incredibly reckless and dangerous, I'd be proud of her. And if we weren't frantically searching for her this would be pretty romantic y'know?

Loona lightly punches Y/n in the arm.

Loona: Are you really thinking of date ideas now?

Y/N [Embarrassed]: S-Sorry...

Loona: What's that other city? The massive one on the other side of the country? I'd rather go there than here.

Y/N: New York?

Loona: Yeah, I'd much rather go there than this shithole. Though it is nice spending time with you.

She smiles as gets up and does some light stretching and the two resume their search. Meanwhile, Blitzo and Stolas are burning down a reality show set and Moxxie and Millie are street performing...things...sure do happen.

Y/n and Loona manage to navigate to the last location Octavia posted, the Griffith Observatory, located at the top of Mount Hollywood. As they climb the public staircase to the side of the building to see a crying Octavia sitting by herself. The couple cautiously approaches her as Loona turns back to her true form.

A/n: Artist is Daniell64183344

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A/n: Artist is Daniell64183344

Y/N & Loona: Hey.

Octavia: Hey...How did you two find me?

Loona: Your Voxstagram. Nice pics by the way.

Octavia: Oh, thanks. *Sniffles*

Y/n takes a seat next to Octavia while the three look out over the city.

Y/N: Are you okay Via?

Octavia: No, I can't believe I was so stupid. I spent all day looking for a place where I could see some dumb meteor shower. *Crying* And all I get is...*gestures to the smoggy sky* this!

Loona: Yeah, smog's a bitch.

Loona attempts to light a cigarette, but her lighter doesn't seem to be working. As she keeps trying Octavia snaps a flame for Loona's cigarette, she takes a drag from it and unintentionally blows the smoke in Y/n and Octavia's face. She then offers it to Y/n who does the same, Loona then takes her spot next to Y/n.

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