Murder Family?

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A/n: Hey guys so this section was SUPPOSED to be Murder Family but I've got to be honest with you all when I say, realistically, I couldn't think of a great way to incorporate the Protagonist into Murder Family. I had a part written but was not happy with how it turned out so I won't be including it, there are some important story beats that happen that I will use this space to explain.

Time frame: Takes place two days after Y/n joins the I.M.P. If we're sticking to the timeline I created that would make it February 20th, 2018.

Story Beats:

-The episode plays out pretty much exactly like it's supposed to except Y/n and Loona stay behind in the office. 

-There's a bit of character development between Y/n and Loona and by the end of the chapter, they're acquaintances. 

-Y/n has a vision of Moxxie being held captive by the crazy kids and convinces Loona to open a portal for him to go help Moxxie, before he goes Loona gifts Y/n a butterfly knife which will come in use later.

-While stuck in the office Y/n turns on the TV in the conference room which is showing Charlie's TV interview live, the very same one from the Hazbin Hotel pilot, for those who don't know or don't remember it here is the scene where Y/n is watchin...

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-While stuck in the office Y/n turns on the TV in the conference room which is showing Charlie's TV interview live, the very same one from the Hazbin Hotel pilot, for those who don't know or don't remember it here is the scene where Y/n is watching it:

Y/n, dejectedly walks in, past Loona's desk, and into the conference room to turn on the TV where a blonde demon with white skin is being interviewed.

Y/n: Huh, she's kinda cute, wonder what she's talking about.

As Y/n turns up the volume so he can understand what they're saying.

Charlie: We lost so many souls, and it breaks my heart to see my people being slaughtered every year. No one is even given a chance! I can't stand idly by while the place I live is subjected to such violence! So, I've been thinking: Isn't there a more humane way to hinder overpopulation here in Hell? Perhaps we can create an alternative way to change souls through... redemption? Well, I think yes! So, that's what this project aims to achieve! Ladies and gentlemen, I'm opening the first of its kind! A hotel that rehabilitates sinners!

Y/n can't believe what he's hearing, a genuinely good soul born in Hell who wants to do good for its inhabitants, this demon, whoever she was, was someone he desperately wanted to meet.

Charlie [Looking around saddened]: Look, every single one of you has something good, deep down inside. I know you do! ...Maybe I'm not getting through to you.

Y/n turned the TV off when he heard a lot of clamoring in the kitchen. He cautiously made his way there to find Loona rummaging around through the refrigerator.

A/n: Once Y/n leaves the room he comes back later to check the same channel when this happens:

While waiting he goes back into the conference room to turn on the TV again, while the blonde demon from earlier is gone the the thin reporter known as Katie Killjoy is on screen who looks like she's been in a fight.

Katie Killjoy: We're TERRIBLY sorry for our earlier technical difficulties... *under breath* ...that fucking royal bitch... *normally* ...for those who actually give a shit about that bs "Happy Hotel" the building itself is currently under renovations but should be done and open for business sometime next year!

A/n: This again is a reference to the Hazbin Hotel pilot and how the building still looked like it was still being worked on. 

-In a way, this is also some minor development for Y/n and Charlie, it's because of Charlie that Y/n from this point forward tries to see the good in not just Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie, and Loona but any other demons he may meet.

-A little development between Y/n and Moxxie after Y/n saves Moxxie from those kids.

-Y/n is the one to call the cops who blow up the house.

A/n: I think that just about covers everything important from Murder Family! A lot more things happen from here on out, especially the next three parts which cover all of the Loo Loo Land episode. Hope you guys are enjoying it so far!


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