Truth Seekers Part 1

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They say trouble follows, regardless of victory or defeat. Since Y/n departed from the I.M.P one week ago, an air of adversity has settled in. Blitzo's demeanor has grown more aggressive, Moxxie finds himself plagued by self-doubt with every decision, and even Millie has dulled her once-sharp edge. Yet, none bear the weight as heavily as Loona. Once on the path to opening up, she's now closed herself off. Y/n has attempted reaching out multiple times, but only Moxxie answered, unable to muster the strength to reveal the stark truth—things without Y/n have spiraled into a disheartening state of turmoil. As much is apparent considering the situation the I.M.P is about to get themselves into.

Unbeknownst to the I.M.P a secret branch of the US government has been tracking them ever since Y/n's disappearance, possibly even before. Currently Agents One and Two have pinned Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie in an alleyway after a mission, while Loona opened a portal and Millie was able to go through the other two weren't as lucky.

 Currently Agents One and Two have pinned Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie in an alleyway after a mission, while Loona opened a portal and Millie was able to go through the other two weren't as lucky

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Blitzo: Moxxie get down!

Blitzo tackles Moxxie to the ground nearly avoiding a net. Agent One cocks his net launcher, ready to take another shot. Blitzo looks behind him and sees Agent Two scaling down the side of a building landing in front of the portal.

Blitzo [Shouting/Serious]: LOONA! CLOSE IT!

Millie: Wait, no!

She tries to run through the portal before it closes but ultimately fails. Moxxie, seeing the portal close, is distraught at first but quickly shifts to anger, pulling out a pistol in an attempt to fight off the two agents while Blitzo hides. He jumps off a wooden pallet to dodge both a tranquilizer dart and a capture net and prepares to fire. However, Moxxie is hit in the neck from behind by another tranquilizer dart.

Blitzo: MOXXIE!!

Blitzo attempts to rush to his aid but unfortunately is also hit by a tranquilizer dart.

Blitzo [Slurred]: Whoa! Back off, you tuxedo-wearing FUCKS!

He says before falling to the ground.

Agent Two:  Alert the Director, we captured two of the targets.

As Blitzo tries to reach for Agent One as Agent Two takes the end of Agent One's net launcher and hits Blitzo in the face with it causing him to black out. Meanwhile with Loona and Millie...

Millie: SHIT! Shit, shit shit!

Millie shouts as she bangs against the wall where the portal was, tears streaming down her face.

Loona: *Whispering to self* Okay Loona just make an attempt. *To Millie* You, uh...You okay, there?

Millie shoots up startling Loona into dropping the grimoire and holding her hands up defensively.

Millie: WHAT'RE YOU DOING SITTIN' THERE?! The boys are in trouble! Open it again!

Loona: Blitzo was using a total of zero euphemisms, innuendos, or swears. That means it was serious, which means I don't open it until-

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