Smile Like You Mean It

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Y/N will return to working at IMP in two weeks and decided to dedicate a significant amount of that time to learning and mastering more of the magic within the grimoire. The day he returns he will also hand over the book to Blitzo who will keep it for a month. Currently, he's got some help and pointers from Octavia. Four days remain...

Y/n: Okay, so I've pretty much mastered Duplication Casting, Illusion and Presence Manipulation, Telekinesis, Mythical Absorption, Protection Casting, and Enchantment.

Octavia: All things considered, it's impressive how much you've improved.

Y/n: Thanks, Octavia, you've been a big help in these practice sessions! Wanna take a break?

Octavia: Sure, I am pretty hungry. I wonder if Monopoly would be willing to pick up some takeout?

Octavia gets up to leave Y/N's room, Y/N places the grimoire on the table and follows after the girl. As he gets up the grimoire falls off the table and flips to a page y/n hasn't seen before. Y/n asks Octavia about it once he picks it up.

Y/n: Hey Octavia? What are these pages? I don't think I've seen these spells before.

Octavia comes over to examine the spell pages.

Octavia: I think those are contracts. Usually, they're with strong demons. I didn't think there were any in here, it looks like the last person to use these contracts was Grandfather Paimon, but they're voided now.

Y/n: So I could do these if I wanted to?

Octavia: I don't see why not, I wouldn't though. Usually in these summoning spells, you can somewhat tell who the contracts are with but I've no idea who any of these are. They're also usually with super sketchy demons.

Octavia examines each of them trying to find clues to who the contracts are with.

Octavia: I still don't know about the first or fourth ones but I think the second one is for Beelzebub...and this third one might be for Satan.

The two look over the contracts again.

Y/n: I hate to say it but I'm REALLY curious about this first one. How does it work?

Octavia: Just say the summoning spell on the page, the demon will sense you using the spell and will either bring you to them or come to you.

Y/n: So all I have to say is..."Egredere magne et potens Recordio"?

As Y/N looks up from the grimoire he notices that he's now in a black void.

Y/n: Uh, Octavia? Hello? Anybody?!

Silence and blackness as far as the eye can see until Y/N feels a chill travel up his spine, almost like he was being watched.

Y/n [Nervous]: W-Who's there?

???: Ah, so you're the one who read my summoning spell! I must say, you're not what I expected!

A surprisingly upbeat voice fills the silent void, rather than easing his tension though this voice instead puts Y/n even more on edge.

Y/n [Nervous]: Well, are you gonna show yourself?

A large red smoke cloud appears in front of him and a figure emerges from it about as tall as Loona. He's wearing an old red and black suit with a matching pinstripe coat and red monocle which matches his red angled bob-cut with black tips at the ends and two large, black-tipped tufts of hair extending from the top of his head, evoking the ears of a deer. In his hands, he also holds an old microphone-shaped cane.

 In his hands, he also holds an old microphone-shaped cane

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