Verosika's Ballad

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It's so funny how one moment you feel like you're on top of the world then the next you're lower than rock bottom, like below the lowest ring of Hell low. In case you're wondering yeah you've seen me before, I'd be kinda offended if by this point you DIDN'T know who I am. Though granted I have been gone for a while...Anyway, I'm Verosika Mayday and we've got A LOT to cover.

I could tell you about my shitty origins, where I came from, blah blah blah but I'm sure you don't wanna hear about that. What does matter is that my story really started with Asmodeus. Being a succubus we need the life essence of others in order to live, and with it, we could in theory live forever. While working for Ozzie the two of us quickly bonded and I told him about my passion for music, he said I reminded him of Lilith, an old friend of his, so he wanted to help me kickstart my career. I went from a nobody to the most desirable succubus in Hell, to the most famous pop star in both Earth and Hell, but something was still missing.

For those who don't know the Cubi share the same stereotype as demon royalty, we aren't meant to fall in love, it's looked down upon, and even though I had been told this my entire life the prospect of it intrigued me and before long I wanted it. I wanted nothing more than to find love and not the cheap kind I got being a succubus, I wanted, no, I needed true love. It was like a call I had to answer, after all, who doesn't want to be loved?

In the beginning, I figured it'd be easy to look for love given that I'm a famous pop star and a desirable succubus but that was FAR from the truth. In the span of about 10 years, I was in several relationships hoping the next one would be the last but it seems fate had other plans. Sleazeballs, dickheads, douchebags, I dated them all but there was one that pushed me over the edge, an obsessed fan from Earth. For the first time in a long time, I was scared, feared for my life even. He hurt me, and not just physically, but mentally, and emotionally too, it went from playful sex to aggressive hate-fucking, I begged him to stop, but he started degrading me and made me feel weak. While he did say a lot there was one thing he said to me that truly broke me, "You'll never find true love, you're nothing but a trashy bitch who'll die alone." I can even remember the hatred in his eyes, to this day it's still one of the scariest moments of my life.

Naturally, I broke up with him and waited with bated breath for the day I would get to meet my true love, and one day I met a little imp named Blitz-o. He was there when I needed him the most and helped me get over that asshole who came before him, things were going well for a while, and I thought I had finally found the one. Something else happened in that time too, I met someone else. Me and my crew were passing through a small town when we stopped at a bar to rest, while there a little boy came up to me and returned my flask, which I had apparently recklessly tossed out of my van window. He was the cutest little guy I had ever seen and I don't know why but the moment I saw him I felt a strong desire to protect him, I'm sure you know who that little guy was, Y/n Beckett, of course, my knight in shining armor. The bar we were staying at was no place for a kid like him so I called him a cab and we waited with him for his ride. Even though I was still dating Blitz-o I kept Y/n in the back of my mind. There was something special about him that I couldn't get out of my head. That night I had a concert back in Hell so once we knew Y/n was safe we went home.

That night me and Blitz-o went to a hotel to spend the night together and when I woke up he was gone...with my credit card. Turns out he stole it, and snuck out leaving me to pay for the hotel room while he got shitty horse-riding lessons in the Wrath Ring. I was crushed, I felt like a knife had been driven through my back and skewered my heart. For the longest time, I drowned myself in booze and drugs to try and numb the pain, it only made it worse, it got so bad that my friends got me BACK into rehab.

Touring and rehab did keep me distracted though, my crew even covered for me and helped me get life essence which they didn't have to, but I'm glad they did. Another thing that helped was visiting Y/n in Eastview every now and then, seeing him really helped.

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