Chapter 1. Love at first sight?

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Grians perspective

Grian woke up this morning to the sound of Maui scratching outside his bedroom door, trying to get in and Pearl all snuggled up in his blankets at the end of his comfortable, large, bed.
He sat up and looked around, searching for his alarm clock, after a minute, he rubbed his eyes, clearing the blur from his vision and finally spotting the time on his desk next to his school laptop.


He groaned and shoved the pillow on top of his face annoyingly.
"Why can't I be like you Pearl? A cat, with no responsibilities whatsoever, all I would have to do is just stay in bed and look cute" Grian stated in a sad, raspy tone from just waking up.

Pearl meowed at him in response

It's the first day back at school after summer break

Another few months of what feels like endless amounts of torture.

Grian slumped to the side of bed and got out, wobbling every few seconds but now gaining his stability.
"Man, I've really got to stop going to bed at 4AM, this isn't good for me" he mumbled to himself whilst walking to the bathroom and fixing his hair.
He went through his usual morning steps, brushing his teeth, combing his hair to make it fluffy and have little waves here and there, he got out of his baggy t-shirt and pyjama pants and chucked on his oversized red sweater with his everyday, regular, black trousers.
He groaned, annoyed at how big his sweater was.
"I really need to try on sweaters before buying them" he grumbled tiredly to himself before stretching out his wings and going into a long yawn.
He went downstairs, grabbed a piece of toast, made some coffee, poured it into a portable, reusable metal cup and walked his little avian way out the door.

After about 5 or so minutes of walking, Grian wasn't any closer to the school, even though he wasn't in the mood, he figured the best idea would be to fly to school, so with a few flaps of his wings to warm them up, within seconds, he was high into the baby blue sky, the wind blowing in his face and a couple of birds passing by, he glided around, high above the town, passing by Bdubs cafe, Lizzie's house, and a few others on his way over, he spotted a couple on his way over to school, walking together, hand in hand and so inlove.
Grian shrugged and continued on with his flight to school, sometimes he wished he could fall inlove, meet someone who would care about him as much as he did to them...

Finally, after some time, Grian had covered the distance from his house to the school, he entered the tall gates and made his way through the crowds of teenagers trying to make their ways to their classes, when suddenly, from across the hoards of people passing by, he was met with deep emerald green eyes, he felt his heart flutter and his face heat up..
Could it be?

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