Chapter 13. Winter never felt so warm...

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Grians perspective

So as the days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, Scar continued to visit the Big Hangout Spot every Friday night to watch Grians shows.

Grian never failed to impress Scar every single time, each performance better than the last.

The friends grew closer and closer with time passing, hanging out after school and in between classes, of course with watching out for any Regulars or Favoureds who could perhaps snitch on the two lovebirds.

December 22nd.

One day, Scar and Grian were sitting down on a rustic, wooden, park bench together, winter break was up which meant the two were constantly in each others pockets. Scar took off his old cotton jacket and popped it onto the seat for his avian friend to sit on. The bench was covered in snow and ice, so mixing body warmth with the cold was bound to create a recipe for a watery disaster if Grian were to stand up.
The Brit appreciated the elves efforts greatly but never knew how to pay him back.

"Hey G?" Scar questioned, "Hm?" Grian hummed in response, "Listen I uh... I got invited to a party recently, they said I could bring someone along..." Scar hesitated, gently hinting the idea at his shorter British friend, "mhm?" Grian answered politely, dragging out his respond, but slightly drifted in and out of his thoughts and reality, the dirty blond was far too distracted by the fact that it had begun to snow.

The snowflakes slowly drifted down from the clouded sky, to the frosted ground, the winter breeze blew in and suddenly everything was perfect. The trees covered in the white powdery dust that the snow was when it dropped heavily, children coming out of their homes to run around and play with one another in the speckled ice.

And Scar.

He looks so...


Scar waves his hands in front of Grian to catch his attention again, "Grian? You with me buddy?" Scar announced, snapping his close friend back into the present, "Sorry, yeah, what's up?" The avian responded, "I was invited to a party recently, any chance you'd be interested in coming along?" Scar repeated.

A party?

"Woah woah woah, a party? Me? Come along?" Grian asked, confusion densely lacing the air, "Well, I mean yeah, you don't have to come along if you don't want to but the options there" the elf stated whilst shrugging his shoulders and raising his eyebrows, "Of course I want to go but, is it a party full of students from school or are they your friends?" The avian replied.

Scar finally understood what Grian meant, realisation setting in like when the sun hits over the horizon, "Ohh, now I understand what you mean, yeahh, they are other people from school, all Favoureds but there's a Regular that'll tag along, come on! It'll be so fun Gri" Scar whined like a baby, giving the Brit his best puppy eyes to hopefully win him over, "Fine fine, I'll go with you, when is it?" The blond said, finally giving up and caving to his friends ideas, the brunette elf grabbed his confused feathery friends wrist and started dragging him along through the snow to wherever his heart led him to.

"Tonight!" Scar shouted with glee.

"Tonight!?" Grian shouted back but not so cheery.

And with that, they took off running back to Scars apartment, Grian didn't know where the elf was taking him but he trusted the other enough to even perhaps follow him to the ends of the earth.

When they arrived, the two stood out front a tall, large, and what looked to be quite tidy, building.

"This where you live?" Grian questioned, Scar nodded before again grabbing his friend by the arm and dragging him into the building and into the elevator.

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