Chapter 17. You prom-ise?

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Grians perspective

The boys continued to hang out almost every single day of the week and before they knew it, winter break was over and February rolled around the corner.

The lovesick kids were together all the time, if you ever saw them separated, most likely it'd be they're on their ways to find eachother.

Almost like soulmates...

Bound together by the simple red string of fate, love and life, only this time invisible, unable to see yet so clearly right in front of them...

They went to concerts, theme parks, cafes and all those fun things together all the time, and other days they'd spend in each others apartments, watching tv, repainting their grown out nails, chatting about school-


They forgot about school.

Grian started fiddling with his thumbs, the two were sat upon Scars grey, modular couch, occasionally chatting but predominantly enjoying being in one another's presence.

"Hey, uhm, Scar?" The anxious Brit questioned, "Hm?" Scar hummed in response, "Are we going to still be friends this year in school? We're on two different sides and neither want anything to do with the other" Grian sought quietly, trying to find an answer within his words as he spoke, the green eyed boy opened his mouth to respond but nothing came out, not a thought, not a sound, nothing...

He leaned over and grabbed his winged friends hands and soothed the troubles that were being stirred in the air, he whispered a comforting phrase that made Grians heart ache and long for more...

"Nothing will come between us G..."

"Okay Scar, I trust you..."

With that, they sat together, hands intertwined, not daring to let go.

The elf rubbed comforting circles on the back of the avians hands, each one better than the last.

But finally, the sun had set and the moon arose, meaning it was time for Grians departure, as much as they enjoyed being together and such, leaving was always hard.

"Do you have to go so soon?" Scar asked, chuckling slightly because of his silly question.

"You know I have to you silly elf, we have school, it's not like we could just move in together..." the thought of living with Scar made his chest tighten, it would be amazing, really, but if the poor elf knew Grians real intentions and feelings, he'd be crushed...

The Brit cleared his throat, breaking the silence as they stood out front the big bricked building, "I'll see you tomorrow, good night Scar" Grian smiled kindly, the two embraced in a short warm hug, just like the rest of the hang outs, before the winged boy flew off.

Their hugs may be short, but were packed full of comfort and kindness. They felt like if summer was a human, and that person was yours truly, Scar Goodtimes. His body radiated heat consistently, flowing throughout every micro fibre of his touch, pure warmth. How Grian wishes and internally begged himself for more, banging at the indestructible windows and walls that were his feelings, never being broken down far enough to let anyone in.

Days passed and the boys were no longer interacting...

Inside of school at least.

They texted, called and spent every free moment the two could conjure up with each other possible.

March flew as well as April, which meant Prom was slowly creeping afoot.

To Grians surprise, a lot of Regular girls asked him to the dance but the blond politely declined every offer.

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