Chapter 9. Mistakes were made... yikes!

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Scars perspective

"Oh my void you're as light as a feather!" Scar bursted out laughing as he continued to transport his feathery friend, over his shoulders, and through the park, sometimes pretending like he was going to fall and drop the avian.

"Shut up! You're just strong!" Grian shouted but not too loud that it would hurt Scars ears from the two being so close.

They continued to walk around, the elf not letting up about putting his bird friend down yet.

It was beginning to turn dark, the sun setting and the stars starting to shimmer through the black and blue night time sky.


"Hey G?" The elf asked.

"Hmm?" Grian hummed.


"The... The moon looks beautiful tonight..."
Scar added, blush slowly seeping into his defined face.

The brunette set his avian friend back down on the ground, letting the Brit find his balance on the earthy ground once again.

The grass wasn't too damp, yet the sun had completely set and the moon was shining bright against some of the park equipment.

Two swings swung back and forth gently through the midnight breeze passing by.

Some of the street lamp posts had begun lighting up as time passed, the light reflecting off a slide and some monkey bars nearby.

Grian looked up at Scar who was already focused down upon him, the two locked eyes for what felt like centuries.

Grians eyes wandered around his brunette friends face, looking at few of his scars, his messy but neat chocolate brown hair, his dorky smile, but this time he was serious, his eyes looked like they were begging for more...

His lips...

Grians perspective

The avian leaned in closer, arms leant up against his elf friends chest, hands interlocking behind Scars neck.

Scars hands snaked their way around Grians waist, pulling him closer.

The two were barely inches away...

Grian removed a hand away from his 'friends' neck, his slid it up through the elf's hair and cupped Scars cheek gently.

"I can die happy tonight, Scar..."

The boys were flustered, but neither dared to let one another go.

Scar leaned in closer.

Grians nose touched Scars.

The avians eyes fluttered shut.

His wings softening but also slowly puffing up.


Scars perspective

"Grian? Scar? What are you guys doing here?" A voice called out from in front of them.

Scar didn't recognise the voice.

The two pulled away immediately. Scar longed for Grians touch again, he was so close to getting what he wanted yet so far away...

"B! Hey buddy! H-How are you doing?" Grian perked up enthusiastically, Scar turned his attention away from the avian and to the figure that had startled the two.

Of course.

He should've known.

"Big B! Heyyyyy..." Scar said happily but beginning to trail off.

He saw surrounded by regulars.

Oh shi-

Scars thoughts were interrupted by Big B coughing, he was wearing an apron over his classic navy blue jacket that covered his usual black shirt and his faded sapphire blue jeans.

"I was just on my way back from work at bdubs cafe but I saw you two here... are? Favoureds and Regulars supposed to be allowed to socialise outside of class?" B asked as he inched closer to the duo, "and, why the heck are you guys wearing these costumes?" He kept persisting.

"Oh! Pfft! Ya know! Halloween party, I thought I'd walk Grian back home to make sure he was safe!" Scar blurted out, not thinking twice before he spoke.

God was he stupid sometimes.

"In... The middle... of February?" B asked again,
"Yes! It's never too early for a Halloween party B! Lighten up" Scar kept speaking, he took a quick glance at Grian who was a very bright shade of pink as he continued to look at B.


I forgot...

He likes Big B.

The brunettes thoughts started to dull, he wished that his feathered friend would look at him in that way that, the way that made his eyes sparkle, the way that his pupils would almost turn into little hearts, which, should be scientifically impossible yet somehow he had done it, the way that made his stomach flutter and his heart sing...

Scar longed to be looked at in that way...

He wanted Grians attention, and Grians only. It didn't matter how many people you could put in front of the elf, he would say no to every single one of them. He would only ever say yes to his avian friend, Grian.

Scar sighed, he outstretched his arms and pretended to yawn, "well gee wiz guys! I uh, I better get going, don't wanna be tired to school tomorrow!", "Oh, I thought you were walking Grian hom-" B started to say but was cut off by Scar, "He's in your safe hands! Don't worry! I'm sure you guys got this!" The elf said quickly and nervously as he pushed Grian over and into B's arms, "Alright, well! I'll see you guys... well never! Because you guys are regulars and I'm a Favoured and well.. that would just be weird! And is never meant to happen! And is a mistake! And!"
Scar stopped.

Grian was pouting.

The avian felt hurt...

He moved out of B's arms and a bit closer to the elf.

"Are... we a mistake? Scar?"

The words left Grians lips.

Scars heart felt like it had been torn to pieces, and stomped on, like a child just threw a tantrum all over his emotions. Grians words played with Scars heart strings like Harpist does to their very own instruments.

"N-No! W-We're not a mistake! I just!" Scar spoke hastily, he wanted the torture to stop, he couldn't handle seeing Grian upset, and let alone make the Brit feel like it was his own fault for coming out that afternoon even though it was Scar who had planned the activity.

"I understand..." Grian spoke, his words felt empty. Lifeless. His expression was depressed. He slowly backed away from Scar, turning towards Big B.

"See you in class tomorrow B..." Grian muttered, and with that, he took off into the air, gone like a shooting star into the very night sky that hung above them all.

"Okay?..." Big B spoke, "see you tomorrow Scar!" He said unaware of the situation, he was too oblivious to notice.

"Yeah.. see you then..." Scar sulked, he stuffed his hands into his pockets and begun to walk home.

Chances ruined, friendships broken, love gone and despair growing.

What will he do now?...

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