Chapter 19. The fallout of friendships and more.

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Grians perspective

The newly joint couple quickly fixed their gaze upon the voice.

They should've expected some sort of backlash considering Grian is a Regular and Scar's a Favoured.

Like come on.

Even though all throughout the year they had to be sneaky and make sure they never were caught, love got the best of them this time around.

Joel's arms were crossed, his foot tapped at the ground impatiently and his frown increased a new millimetre for every second that ticked by.

Scar sighed.

"Come on Joel, seriously, we're all mostly adults here. We should be able to put our differences aside and be friends or..." the elf trailed off, he lightly held his lovers hand, tracing small circles in his palm, cautiously intertwining the avians fingers with his own. He slowly turned to look lovingly into his boyfriend's odd tinted pair of eyes, "more than friends..." he finished off.

The winged boy blushed in a shy-like manner.

"You can't seriously think that after all that we've built here that we're going to let teenage love, that probably won't even last, ruin our reputation." Etho spoke up.

"Thanks babe" Joel have his smug gratitude to the white haired, taller, male figure.

Etho facepalmed and shook his head. Even with a mask covering roughly seventy-five percent of his features, you could already tell he was grinning ear to ear but pretending to be disappointed in the smaller, brunette who had a green streak running in his hair.

"Alright alright everybody, time to wrap up the show, it's obvious you two can't be together, so just follow the rules and nothing bad will happen" Martyn said as he stepped in, approaching the crowd as if he was their saviour.

"Martyn you can't talk, you left all of us. What ever happened to the Southerners huh? Where is that? Because it's been a long time since I've seen them around." Grian snapped back.

His words were like an arrow that shot straight through to the blond Favoureds heart.

"You... were the one... who betrayed us first..." Martyn voiced, his statement laced with anger, "Don't you remember Grian? Don't act so high and mighty when you were the one who started all of this..."

Scar looked to what he thought was his trustful and honest lover, who now was too ashamed to even face him.

"G? Is that true?" The brunette hoped it wasn't.

"I needed to, Scar. I had no other choice." Grian answered wholeheartedly.

Scar felt betrayed, he was at a lost for words. He looked away from the dirty blond who he once believed.

Martyn and Joel smirked, the elf walked away from his avian friend back to the side of the Favoureds.

The Brit looked up, he felt disgusted with himself.

"Wait! That's not the whole story and you know it G." Jimmy shouted from the back of the Regular crowd.

The Regulars cleared a small pathway for him to walk through.

"Ah yes, Jimmy. He's always never been on one specific side of the school and he's the middle ground for everyone to make sure nobody falls out of place." Joel informed Scar.

"Middle ground?" The American asked, "yeah, everybody wanted to be friends with Jimmy but we couldn't quite tell where he belonged in the groups so he's the schools middle ground." Scott replied.

The brunette looked back to his short in height, love, with a flicker of hope in his eyes.

"I always stood out of the crowd growing up, and school was just another society I didn't need constantly surrounding me about my wings." Grian admitted quietly but loud enough for everybody around to hear.

Both sides were quiet.

"So, you stepped away from everyone, shoving them all away, because you were just hurting deep inside?" Joel asked sincerely.

The avian nodded.

"Oh Grian..." Martyn sympathised.

The Favoured crowd stepped forth together, embracing the sad bird boy in big hug.

It's what he needed terribly.

"Hey guys? I have something I need to admit." Scott announced.

"Go on, tell 'em" Jimmy encouraged the cyan haired boy forth.

"I've been friends with a Regular for quite some time now, most of you don't know him but..."

A brunette male in a black and orange colored suit came into view next to Scott.

"His name is Owen, we've been best friends since we were little. When we both started coming here together, the two of us were so excited, but then I started to fit more into the Favoureds and he started to shift towards the Regulars. We didn't want to give up our friendship over a dumb school argument, or so we thought it was, and just hid it constantly." They wrapped an arm around each others backs.

"Yeah! We don't care what you rats think of us!" Owen exclaimed happily.

"I too, have a few things to admit..." Joel spoke up.

One by one, each person from both sides fessed up about either taking a liking to someone from the opposing group or becoming friends with them.

Scar and Grian watched the scene slowly but surely unravel in front of their eyes.

They knew that tonight would change the school forever.

"Let's drop the gloomy mood and go have some fun guys!" Jimmy yelled out.

Everyone all agreed in sync and ran around, spreading out along the big dance floor.

The walls were covered in colorful streamers and flashing lights danced among them.

Clicking and clacking noises could be heard all along the wooden floor from all the students footwear.

Most of the classmates were in relationships and had built friendships after the discussion, but the real question is...

Would all those bonds last until the schools reunion in ten years?


Ten years later...

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