Chapter 18. And now I'm, Fallin' For ya...

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Grians perspectives

Love could be smelt in the air, sweet, light, soft.

Was it because Prom was tonight and couples were gathering together in their most formal outfits yet or that the two pieces of the puzzle which fit each other perfectly were going on an official, but secretive, date together to the Prom?

Probably both.


Grian and Scar were nervous.

The elf knew exactly what he was going to wear, as for his avian friend, not so sure.

"Pearl, please, I have no idea what to wear tonight and it's really taking a toll on my beauty sleep." Grian urgently muttered over the phone to his friend.

"Grian. Grian Grian Grian. We will talk about this, when the sun has risen, and when I don't want to tear your head off for waking me up so early on a day where we can sleep in. I will be over around lunch time today. Goodbye." She spoke calmly but with anger looming gently in her soothing voice, and then.


Pearl hung up.

That didn't stop the avians nerves from getting the better of him.

He lied back down on his comforting bed and looked up at his phone.

The Brit contemplated ringing his other friend, Mr. Goodtimes, even though he wouldn't mind the early wake up call, but even Grian had enough self control and human decency to not awake another living being at such ridiculous hours of the morning.

As each minute ticked by, so did an ounce of his will to live.

Maybe I'll take an early morning flight to cure my boredom and anxiety...

He swiftly jumped out of bed, grabbed the nearest coat and flew out the window, almost like some magical princess fairy.

Except with humongous bird wings, and the scruffiest waffle-like dirty blond hair.

His black hoodie ruffled through the wind, along with the red pyjama shorts he was wearing.

Being so high in the air was breath taking, every square inch of the city was gorgeous. The way the building would line up perfectly around the towns main park, springs breeze sifting through the oxygen that human use to live.

The sun.

The sun arising greatly as the next day begun, time for new actions and wonderful memories to be made. The orange and yellowish tones, shining down from above the horizons, creating light with every touch, pure angelic vibrancies, painted picture perfect for the living below.

Sitting on the rooftop of a tall building, he swung his legs back and forth, leaning back onto the palms of his soft hands and taking in the view as dawn approached, making it obvious that the curious avian should be sound asleep in bed.

A door opened a few feet behind the winged man, he turned his gaze to the sound of it creaking open slowly, but low and behold, emerged a very sleepy, Scar Goodtimes.

Scar had a blanket wrapped around his shoulders as if he were some kind of hobbit and finally sat down next to his wide awake friend.

The American rested his head on his posh speaking crushes shoulder and wrapped some of the blanket around him, making sure to be careful of his bright, sheltering and comforting wings.

In his raspy but entirely most adorable voice yet, "Grian? What are you doing here so early?" He asked quietly.

"Couldn't sleep, needed to stretch" the avian replied whilst smoothly sliding his arm behind his elf friends back, "You need sleep Scar, go back to rest..."

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