Chapter 5. Frozen yoghurt after school?

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Grians perspective


Grian sat down at the table next to Pearl and Mumbo. The halls were filled with loud chattering as students spoke amongst themselves and teachers supervising around the outskirts of the hall.
"Out with it." Pearl demanded, she was not in the mood to mess about, Grian, as nervous as he was, got straight to the point, "I like a favoured." He blurted out, not even Grian himself had come to the conclusion but letting the words roll off his tongue and escape his soft lips made him feel more comfortable and secure in his decision.

"Oh." Is all Pearl muttered out.

Mumbo was too busy biting into a sandwich, a delicious one at it, to notice the awkward situation at hand.

"Hm?" The oblivious moustached man questioned to the small group of friends surrounding the table.

Grian turned his gaze to meet Mumbos, "I like a favoured."

"Oh, very well then, proceed with your statement" Mumbo ever so casually said whilst motioning with his hands for Grian to continue forth in the topic.

"Well. His name is Scar, he has hair that seems a bit shorter than what you'd consider long but long enough to be braided elegantly, today he's wearing a button up, navy green shirt, with black cargo pants and a loose, black, tie. He's new to the school" Grian continued his previous conversation from before, ranting about what Scar looked like, desperately pleading in his mind for Pearl to say something other than 'oh.'

"Ohh, yes, Ive seen him around!" Pearl says in a slightly cheerier attitude than before, her tone and emotions finally starting to give in.
"Oh thank god!" Grian sighs in relief, "doesn't change the fact that he's a favoured." Pearl retaliates in defense, immediately going back to her old mood, Grian groans with frustration, he finally felt like he was getting somewhere only for Pearl to knock him right back down. "Come on, he's new! I'm sure this school will tear him down soon!" Grian attempted bargaining with his friends stupid choices, "doesn't matter. Once a favoured, always a favoured." Pearl said while crossing her arms and flicking her head away from Grian in a quick, stubborn motion.
Grian sighed, he knew his crush had developed quick but it was no use risking his ignorant friends over a day-made-crush.

The bell rings

"That's lunch! Glad we could talk!" Pearl states happily, getting up and beginning to walk to her next class, luckily Grian wasn't in that class as he wanted to be away from Pearl for a while, "See ya bud, talk later?" Mumbo questioned, sounding a bit sympathetic and just as much looking it, giving Grian a half smile that lifted his moustache up to reveal his set of white, perfectly aligned, teeth. "Sure" Grian sighed, shifting his head into his arms that laid resting on the table.
The bird boy began to gather his belongings which wasn't much more than a pencil which had a pink little rubber stuck to the end of it, and his phone which he quickly stuffed into his pocket, the unhappy Avian slowly slumped himself away from the table and begun to also make his way to class.
He finally reached the classroom and looked above the door, a sign that read the class room number and name.


Grian pushed open the doors and was met by some favoured sitting down at some chairs, two sitting in the plastic, poorly built chairs themselves and one sitting on top of a desk, away from the entrance of the classroom but towards the students themselves, and that's when it came all flooding back to Grians memory. It was Scar, who was sitting on the desk.
Grian tried his best to avoid Scar, but math class had assigned seating like some other class rooms, due to the average trouble makers here and there and it just so happened that Scar was sitting on top of the desk, directly opposite Grians.
Grian sighed, the quicker he did this, the quicker the awkward situation would be over.

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